AMIETE Counselling 2020 | Check Cut off, Merit List, Admission Procedure

AMIETE Counselling 2020: AMIETE 2020 Counselling will be conducted after the announcement of the result. All the shortlisted candidates will be invited for the counselling (or) admission process of the AMIETE. The IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) is conducted the AMIETE 2020 exam twice a year i.e. June and December. Candidates will be admitted to the UG courses in the basis of merit list obtained in the entrance test. Here we have mentioned the detailed information about the AMIETE 2020 Counselling such as counselling schedule, selection process, seat allocation, cutoff, merit list, etc.

Summary of AMIETE 2020

Exam Name Associate Membership of Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineers (AMIE) 2020
Conducting Board IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers)
Exam Frequency Twice a year
Category Entrance Exam
Exam Mode Offline
Exam Type National Level
Page Details Counselling

AMIETE 2020 Cutoff

The result only delivers the remarks of pass / fail details and mark details. In the entrance exam many numbers of students get passed. But the Institution / University will admit only limited number of seats. In that case cut off marks is useful to shortlist the candidates. The institution fixes the cut off marks to short list the candidates. The students under this cut off marks will be called for the counselling.

AMIETE Counselling

AMIETE 2020 Exam Dates

Events Expected Dates
Application Release Date April 2020
Application Last Date May 2020
Admit Card Date June 2020
Exam Date June 2020
Result Date June 2020
Merit List July 2020
Counselling Date September 2020

AMIETE 2020 Merit List

The merit list will release by exam authority for the qualified candidates in the exam of AMIETE 2020. The merit list will release by the official institution at the official site. In the merit list will contain the candidate name, cut off score and counselling date / time. The merit list will prepare by the examiner’s performance in the examination. The aspirants will be admitted into institution through based on the counselling process.

Tie Breaker

  • If the candidates with same cut off mark, they will be selected according to the seniority.
  • The selection is by checking the date of birth of the candidates, community, parent’s income and some criteria.
  • The candidate with senior criteria will get the first preference.

AMIETE 2020 Selection / Admission Process

The counselling is the final step towards the admission. The candidates should attend the counselling as per the schedule indicated in the counselling call letter. At the time of counselling all the relevant original documents are to be submit at the counselling authority for the purpose of verification.

If the seat is allocated to a candidate, they must report the allotted institution / university within the stipulated time for confirm the seat availability. For updated details about the counselling schedule and seat allocation details can visit the official page of exam conducting board.


Documents for Counselling

  • 10th & 12th Mark Sheets.
  • Transfer Certificate.
  • AMIETE Application form.
  • AMIETE Admit card.
  • Rank Card of AMIETE.
  • Address Proof.
  • Aadhar Card.
  • Income Certificate.

Offered Courses in IETE Institution

The institution offers the following Engineering UG courses.

  • Electronics and Telecom Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Computer Science Engineering

About IETE Institution

The central institution IETE is in New Delhi. The students from India and abroad also studying in this institution. The institution offers the admission for Engineering stream every year. The candidate wishing to study UG can attend the entrance exam to study in this institution and under this institution.

Official Website: