AP Inter 1st year Hall Ticket 2020 will be released very shortly on the official website. The Andhra Pradesh Intermediate 1st year appearing candidates are eagerly waiting for their hall ticket. In one or two weeks before commencing the class 11th examination, Board of Intermediate Education; Government of Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) will announce the admit card for the students. Below we have given more relevant information about AP inter 1st-year hall ticket 2020.
Summary of AP Intermediate Hall Ticket 2020
Examination Name | AP Intermediate 1st Year Examination |
Examination Board | Board of Intermediate Education, Government f Andhra Pradesh (BIEAP) |
Article Category | AP 11th class Hall Ticket |
Hall Ticket Status | Updated Soon (Based on official) |
Official Website | www.bieap.gov.in |
AP Inter 1st Year Hall Ticket
Andhra Pradesh Intermediate 1st year hall ticket will be published for the M.P.C (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry), Bi.P.C (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry), C.E.C (Commerce, Economics, and Civics), M.E.C (Mathematics, Economics, and Commerce) and H.E.C (History, Economics, and Civics) students. In the month of February AP will be published 11th class hall ticket or admit card.
After the official announcement of hall ticket, students can download in the official web portal by using the register number and date of birth details. In also candidates can collect admit card from the respective colleges. After downloading the hall ticket, candidates can check their details. If any error will be presented quickly inform to the official authorities and replace the correct information in before starting the examination. After receiving the hall ticket, Students can take multiple printouts for the uses.

The practical examination and theory examination admit card is disparate, the examination board is given separately. During the practical examination, the concerned college is providing the hall ticket for the students. In theory, examination candidates can collect from the official website.
The intermediate 1st-year practical examination is conducted in before the theory examination. The intermediate examination conducts in the morning session is 9.00 am to 12.00 pm. Finally, the intermediate theory examination conducts in the month of February / March 2020.
Exam Process
In the official website, previous year question paper is available, candidates can properly use for getting high marks in the examination. Students without admit card, the exam supervisor will not be allowed to write the examination. After completion of the board examination, aspirants can keep their hall ticket save for further information.
Examination Instructions
Important examination instructions are given below.
- Students should enter the 15 minutes before the start the examination.
- In every examination, Candidates must carry hall ticket or admit card in the exam hall.
- Aspirants can follow the rules and regulation during the examination.
- Candidates must show their hall ticket in the official authorities without a demand.
- Students should not carry the mobile phone, notebooks, and any other electronic gadgets.
Hall Ticket Mention Details
After downloading AP Intermediate 1st year hall ticket students can check the below mention details.
- Roll Number / Register Number
- Student Name
- Father Name
- Mother Name
- Student Photography
- Date and Day of the Examination
- Examination Session
- Centre of the Examination
- Important Instructions
How to Download AP Inter 1st year Hall Ticket 2019
Candidates can follow the below steps to download Andhra Pradesh intermediate admit card.
Step 1: Go to the AP Board official website at www.bieap.gov.in.
Step 2: To select the class XI to admit card. It leads to open the new tab.
Step 3: Now enter your Register Number and Date of Birth in the boxes.
Step 4: Finally, download AP Inter 1st year exam hall ticket and take a printout for the further uses.
Andhra Pradesh Intermediate 1st Year Textbooks 2019-2020 BIEAP Online Book