Arunachal Pradesh Class 6/VI Textbooks, Syllabus PDF 2020 Download Here

Arunachal Pradesh Class 6 Textbooks PDF 2020 is available here. Arunachal Pradesh 6th Class EBooks will download on the NCERT board official site. Textbooks are essential study materials in the exam preparation time. Arunachal Pradesh State schools are mainly affiliated to the CBSE Board. SCERT Arunachal Pradesh VI Standard textbooks, syllabus, previous old year question papers will be released shortly in online mode. NCERT and CBSE Class 6 EBooks and supportive materials PDF downloads on this page. Arunachal Pradesh 6th Class Text Books, Syllabus and other study materials details are given on the below article.

Arunachal Pradesh Class 6

Abstract of Arunachal Pradesh 6th Class Textbooks PDF

State: Arunachal Pradesh


Class: 6 Standard

Article Category: Arunachal Pradesh Class 6 Textbooks

Publisher: National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT)


Mode of Textbook: Online Mode

Official Website:

Arunachal Pradesh Class 6 Textbooks

Arunachal Pradesh Class 6 Text Books can download based on the subject and medium of language. Arunachal Pradesh Education mostly follows the National Council of Educational Research and Training Books and Central Board of Secondary Education syllabus. According to the Arunachal Pradesh State Education NCERT and CBSE 6th standard textbooks, and supportive materials PDF attachments are given below. Once the SCERT Arunachal Pradesh publishes the VI Standard Textbooks, Syllabus, Old year question papers on the official website, we will update the information on this page.


NCERT Class 6 subjects are given following. Such as Hindi (Vasant, Durva, Bal Ram Katha), English (Honeysuckle, A Pact with the Sun), Mathematics (Mathematics, Ganit, Hisab- Urdu), Social Studies (History – our Past, The Earth Our Habitat, Hamare Ateet, Social and Political Life, Samajik Evem Ranjnitik Jeevan, Prithavi Hamara Avas – Bhugol, Hamare Maazi -Urdu, Zameen Hamara Maskan – Urdu, Samazi Aur Siyasi Zindagi – Urdu), Sanskrit (Ruchira), Science (Vigyan, Science, Science – Urdu), and Urdu (Apni Zuban, Urdu Guldasta, Jaan Pahechan. CBSE 6th Standard textbooks and Supportive materials PDF are given under

How to Download the Arunachal Pradesh Class 6 Textbooks

1st Step: Go to the official web page.

2nd Step: On the home page select the Publication Tab.

3rd Step: Publication Tab Chose the Textbook PDF

4th Step: Now select the class 6, subject and book title.

5th Step: Download the Arunachal Pradesh Class 6 Textbooks PDF file for the concerned subject.

6th Step: Finally, Students can start the exam preparation for the upcoming examination.

NCERT Books For Class 6

NCERT 6th class textbooks chapter and full book attachments are given underneath.

1. Hindi

a. Vasant
b. Durva
c. Bal Ram Katha

2. English

a. Honeysuckle
b. A Pact with the Sun

3. Mathematics

a. Mathematics
b. Ganit
c. Riyazi VI

4. Social Studies

a. History-Our Past I
b. The Earth: Out Habitat
c. Itihas-Hamare Atit I
d. Social and Political Life – I
e. Samajik Evam Rajnitik Jeevan
f. Prithvi: Hamara Avas
g. Hamare Maz
h. Zameen Hamara Maskan
i. Samazi Aur Siyasi Zindagi

5. Sanskrit

a. Ruchira

6. Science

a. Vigyan
b. Science
c. Science Urdu

7. Urdu

a. Apni Zuban
b. Urdu Guldasta
c. Jaan Pahechan

CBSE Class 6th eBooks PDF

CBSE Board Class 6 Supportive materials and EBooks are given below.

1. Environment Education (Teacher’s Manual) English –Check Here

2. Activity Book -Co-Scholastic Activities (English) – Check Here

3. Life Skills-Teachers Manual – Check Here

4. Value of Education Card Class VI-VII –Check Here

5. Mathematics Laboratory in Primary and Upper Primary Schools

6. List of Hands-On Activities in Mathematics – Check Here

7. Environment (Teacher’s Guidelines Hindi) – Check Here

8. Compendium Science – Check Here

Arunachal Pradesh Class 5/V Textbooks, Syllabus PDF 2020 Download Here

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