Bangalore University Admit Card: BU 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester Admission Ticket / Hall Ticket will be released soon by the controller of examination. Odd semester students can download the Hall ticket / Admission ticket from the university website or from the department. BU Semester examination will start in the month of November / December. Bangalore University Candidates must pay the due amount to get the admit card. Here we are giving details about the Admit card / Hall ticket.
Offered courses
The Bangalore University offers many courses in the university. BU provides courses like Undergraduate courses, Postgraduate courses, integrated courses, certificate courses, diploma courses, post graduate diploma courses. Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses available in the Bangalore University are BA, B.Sc, B.Com, BBA, BBM, BCA, BVA, BSW, BASLP, BHM, B.Tech, B.Arch, MA, M.Sc, MSW, MPA, MVA, MCA, MIKM, M.Lib.I.Sc, M.Com, MBA, MTTM, MMS, M.Tech, and M.Arch.
Bangalore University Hall Ticket
After the university examination timetable is announced students will start prepare for the examination. Before few weeks for the examination Hall Ticket / Admit card will be released by the university. According to the university the Admission ticket / Hall ticket will be provided to the candidates either online or at the department. Hall ticket will contain details about the examination and student details. All the pending fees must be paid to get the admit card.
Importance of Admit Card
The admit card is the important document need to be carried while entering the examination hall. Examination hall ticket will be checked by the hall supervisors before the examinee enters the hall ticket. Candidates can also use the admit card to check their respective halls. Admit card must be shown to any of the university squads or invigilators they will verify the hall ticket any time.
Bangalore University Admission Ticket 2019 | BU 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester Hall Ticket | BU UG /PG Hall Ticket 2019 | Bangalore University Odd semester admit card 2019 |
Candidates can view the following official website for the Bangalore University Semester results.
Category |
Official Website |
Bangalore University Semester examination Admit card | |
Hall Ticket Details
The Bangalore University Hall Ticket which contains many details regarding examination and student details. The details of admit card are given below.
- Name of the candidate
- Photo of the candidate
- Department
- Branch
- Subject
- Subject Code
- Exam time
- Time Duration
- Session of the examination
- Year / Semester Details
- Signature of the Candidate
- Signature of the controller of examination
- Examination Instructions
Result & Revaluation Procedure
After the examination is over the answer sheets will be evaluated by the university staff. Then the evaluated marks will be sent to the university. University will publish the results in their website. Candidates can view their results by entering the roll number, and other details. Odd semester students are eligible to view the semester results. If some students are not satisfied or failed in the semester examination they can apply for the revaluation. The revaluation notification will be released by the university either in online or in the notice board. Applicants need to apply for the Revaluation / Re total either in online or offline. Fee payment is must for the revaluation process to complete.
How to check the Bangalore University Semester Examination Admit card 2019 | BU 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester Hall Ticket 2019
- First visit the website of the Bangalore University
- Check for the UG / PG Admit card / Hall Ticket.
- Select the Course and Department.
- Select the Year / Semester.
- Enter the roll number.
- Hit the Submit details.
- Check the Admit card.
- Download the admit card.
- Take printout of the admit card.
Official Website: