CBSE Board Exam 2020 Class 10 & 12 Pass Marks, List of Subjects with Practical Exam Check Here

CBSE Board Exam 2020 Class 10 & 12 Pass Mark and List of the subject having practical / Project / Internal Assessment components are released on the official website at Central Board of Secondary Examination has announced the class 10th and class 12th exam subject list, time duration and subject wise maximum marks and minimum marks for necessary to the pass in the board examination. CBSE XII Candidates have to get at least 33 % marks in the theory and practical/ Project / Internal exam in addition to 33% marks in aggregate in each subject in the examination. CBSE X Class candidates have to obtain an overall 33 % marks in each subject, both theory and practical exams are taken together in order to pass the exam. Below we have given more information about the CBSE Board class 10 & 12 exam 2020.

CBSE Class 10th and Class 12th Board Exam 2020 Pass Mark & List of Subject Details Are Given Below

Summary of CBSE Board Exam 2020

Board of Examination: Central Board of Secondary Examination


Exam Name: CBSE Board Exam 2020

Article Category: CBSE Board Exam Class 10 & 12 Pass Marks, List of Subjects Details

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CBSE Class 10 & Class 12 Board Exam 2020

CBSE Board exam 2020 list of subjects and with the maximum and minimum marks for the theory end practical, the time duration of the exam is available in online mode. The CBSE 10th and 12th upcoming theory examination maximum marks and minimum marks to get pass mark in the exam & Practical / Project / Internal Assessment component maximum marks and minimum marks to get the pass mark in the exam details is given below. The board exam practical exam will be organized by the schools.

The subject with the practical and Project examination is examined by an external examiner. The external examiner will be appointed by the Central Board of Secondary Examination. The Class 12th NCC subject practical examination will conduct by an external examiner. The NCC Practical exam external examiner will be appointed by the Directorate of NCC. The class 10th NCC Practical exam no external examiner will be appointed by CBSE Board or Directorate of NCC, there is internal assessment.

CBSE Class 10 Pass Mark & List of Subjects

CBSE 10th Subject list and the pass mark details are check and download on the official web portal. Candidates have to obtain a 33 % percentage score in all subjects, the theory and practical / project / Internal Assessment exam taken together in order to pass the board exam. The X Class Subject Code, Name of the Subject, Theory Maximum mark, Duration of the exam, Practical maximum marks, Project maximum mark, Internal assessment maximum mark, Total maximum, and minimum marks are given on the official notification. Class 10 subject are Hindi Course A, Hindi Course B, English Language & Literature, Urdu Course A, Urdu Course B, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Sindhi, Marathi, Gujarati, Manipuri, Malayalam, Odia, Assamese, Kannada, Arabic, Tibetan, French, German, Russian and etc.


CBSE Class 12 Pass Mark & List of Subjects

CBSE Class 12 board exam list of the subject and pass mark details are available in online mode. Students can verify and download for further references. Central Board of Secondary Examination 12th candidates have to get at least 33 % percentage of marks in the theory and practical in addition to 33 % of marks in aggregate in each subject in the exam. The Xll Class Subject Code, Name of the Subject, Theory Maximum mark, Duration of the exam, Practical maximum marks, Project maximum mark, Internal assessment maximum mark, Total maximum, and minimum marks are given on the official notification. CBSE 12th class subject is English Elective, English Core, Hindi Elective, Hindi Core, Urdu Elective, Urdu Core, Sanskrit Elective, Sanskrit Core, Punjabi, Bengali, Tamil, Telugu, Sindhi, Marathi, Gujarati, Manipuri, Malayalam, Odia, Political Science, and Etc.