CBSE Class 10 Admit Card 2020 will be published very shortly in the official website @ Central Board of Secondary Education will announce the hall ticket for the regular and private candidates. Admit card is a crucial document to appearing the board examination. Students without hall ticket, the exam supervisor will not allow those candidates to attend the examination. Below, we have given more relevant information regarding the CBSE 10th std Admit card.
Abstract of CBSE 10th Hall Ticket 2020
Examination Name | CBSE 10th Examination |
Board of the Examination | Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) |
Examination Month | February / March 2020 |
Article Category | CBSE Class 10 Admit Card |
Admit Card Status | Updated soon (Based on the Official) |
Official Website | @ |
CBSE Class 10 Admit Card
CBSE class tenth regular and private students admit card will be released before the examinations. The respective school authorities will download the admit card from the official web portal and issued the admit card to regular 10th candidates. Central Board of Secondary Education tenth private students can download the hall ticket by entering the required details in online mode.
The board examination appearing candidates can obtain the admit card as soon as possible. After collecting class X admit card, the regular and private candidates should check the important details. Below we have given hall ticket mention particulars. CBSE 10th examination conducts in the month of February / March 2020.
Details on CBSE 10th Hall Ticket
Central Board of Secondary Education 10th main examination admit card printed details are given below.
- Roll Number
- Date of Birth
- Name of the Examination
- Candidates Name
- Mother’s Name
- Father’s Name / Guardian’s Name
- Name of the Examination Center
- Category of PWD
- Exemptions Provided: S- Scribe, E- Extra Time, A- Assistive Device, L- Large Font, P- Adult Prompter.
- Admit Card ID
- The subject in which appearing with date of examination.
How to Download CBSE Class 10 Admit Card 2020
The 10th std regular and private students can follow the below steps to obtain the CBSE class X admit card 2020.
- Go to the CBSE official website @
- In the home page, search Admit card notification.
- After the official announcement of the hall ticket, candidates can contact the concerned school authorities.
- To collect CBSE class 10 admit card and check the important details.
- The regular candidates can ultimately obtain from the respective school and the private candidates can download in the official website.
- CBSE 10th private candidates can select the region (Other region / Delhi region) and enter details application number / previous roll number and year / Candidates name in the official web portal.
- After proceeding the details the admit card will appear on the screen and then students can check the details.
- Finally, download CBSE 10th Admit card and take the printout for further references.
Exam Instructions
- In the examination, he / she should enter the examination hall before 10.00 am.
- Students should carry the respective school Identity card, Admit card and acceptable stationery things.
- In the examination venue, Candidates should not carry the mobile phone, smartwatch, barred things and any electronic things.
- Aspirants must read the admit card mention instruction before the examination and follow the instruction during the examination.
Exam Preparation
Candidates can clearly view the date and time duration of the examination for avoiding the last minute’s confusion. In before the day of the examination, students can arrange all significant belongings like school ID card, hall ticket in your bags. In the examination day, without any fear aspirants must face the examination. we wish you best of luck for the upcoming examination.