DSRRAU Semester Exam Date: Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University Time Table will be released soon on the official website of the university. 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th semester examination students are waiting for the release of the exam date. Only odd semester university and affiliated college candidates can attend the semester examination. Once the DSRRAU Examination Schedule / Routine / Scheme is released on the university website www.education.rajasthan.gov.in we will be updated here. Details about semester result, Revaluation procedure, Revaluation results are given here.
Offered Courses in DSRRAU
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University offering UG, PG, Diploma and Certificate Courses. Admission of students carried out by conducting entrance at State and National level. UG courses and PG Courses that are available for students are BAMS, BUMS, BHUMS, BNYS, B.Sc (Ayurvedic Nursing) M.D / M.S (Ayurveda) and M.D (Homeopathy).
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University exam date
The DSRRA University conducts 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th,9th semester examination in the month of November / December. Odd semester UG / PG students will appear for the examination. Examination Time Table / Date Sheet / Scheme / Schedule will be released one month before the exam. Students can download the timetable in PDF format.
DSRRAU Exam date for UG as well as PG candidates will be released online individually. Each course will be notified separately. Datesheet will have all the details about examination like date of the examination, time duration, and session. The student must note the examination schedule and start preparing for the examination. The examination will have enough study leave between exams.
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University semester Exam date 2019 | DSRRAU 1st, 3rd, 5th,7th,9th semester date sheet | DSRRAU odd semester time table | DSRRAU UG / PG semester exam schedule | DSRRAU Nov / Dec exam notice
Candidates can use the following official website for viewing UG/PG semester date sheet
Category |
Official Website |
Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University semester exam Timetable | www.education.rajasthan.gov.in |
Summary of DSRRAU Date sheet 2019 | DSRRAU exam routine 2019
Some of the DSRRAU Course time table is given below
Department |
Download Timetable as PDF |
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery | Download Here |
Bachelor of Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery | Download Here |
Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery | Download Here |
Bachelor of Naturopathy & Yoga Science | Download Here |
Doctor of Medicine (Homeopathy) | Download Here |
Master of Science (Ayurved) | Download Here |
Time table Details
Examination time table contains many pieces of information like Examination date, Name of the subject, Branch name, Semester, Session of the examination, Time duration of the exam. Candidates need to check the correct schedule before going to the examination hall.
Admit Card
DSRRAU Odd semester Admit card / Hall Ticket will be released one month before the examination. Applicants need to keep the Admit card very careful. Admit card is necessary for any student to enter into the examination hall. Keep an extra copy of the admit card with you it will be helpful if it is lost.
Result & Revaluation Procedure
After the DSRRAU semester examination over the university will evaluate the answer sheet. Result will be published on the university website. If any Candidate feels his / her mark is not satisfactory they can apply for Revaluation / Recounting / Retotaling. First, they need to fill the application form and need to pay for the revaluation. After revaluation results will be published and mark sheet will be provided.
Get more details about DSRRA University
Check – Result | Revaluation Procedure | Revaluation Results
How to check Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University semester routine 2019 – 20 | DSRRAU 1st 3rd 5th 7th 9th sem timetable
- First, visit the Official website of the DSRRAU.
- Check for UG PG Semester routine / Exam date.
- Go to the Routine / Time table Page.
- Enter the Department name.
- Enter the Branch and Subject name.
- Submit the Details.
- Check the semester exam time table 2019 – 20.
- Take printout and Keep it Safe.
Check DSRRAU Exam routine 2019
Official website: www.education.rajasthan.gov.in