Gauhati University Admit Card 2019 – Download GU Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester Hall Ticket

Gauhati University Admit Card 2019: In the website, the GU November / December UG and PG Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester Admit Card 2019 will be available. The Gauhati University semester exam appeared candidates can visit the above website, to download the admit card/hall ticket of GU (or) Gauhati University. UG and PG Admit card / Hall Ticket is an essential document for the candidates who appeared the semester examination. Then, the semester exam result and revaluation details are given this page.

Gauhati University Semester Examination

In this Gauhati University, Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester examination will be held in the month of November / December 2019 (or) sometimes, the December / January month also, the examination will happen. When the examination happens in any month, then the next month result will be officially released. Even (2nd 4th 6th 8th) Semester examination will be held in the month of May / June (or) sometimes, the June / July month also, the examination will happen.

Gauhati University Admit Card
Summary of Gauhati University Admit Card 2019 – Download GU Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester Hall Ticket
Name of the Examination Nov / Dec Semester Examination
Name of the Exam Conducting Board Gauhati University
Exam Level University Level
Stream of Exam UG & PG Courses
Page Information Gauhati University (or) GU Admit Card / Hall Ticket
Official Website

Gauhati University Admit Card

Gauhati University Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester exam appeared candidates are eagerly waiting for the GU admit card 2019. Before the semester examinations start, the Gauhati University Admit Card 2019 will be officially released. Before examiners entering the examination hall, the exam invigilator checks the student’s id card and UG and PG odd semester admit card. Students who are having the hall ticket / admit card, he/she only eligible for the current semester examination. The Gauhati University announced the admit card for GU and its affiliated colleges at the same time.

Candidates can visit the official portal, to download the admit card/hall ticket. While downloading the admit card of GU, examiners can check the hall ticket all the information are available in the Gauhati University Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester Nov / Dec Admit card 2019. Candidates must keep the hall ticket safe and secure until the examination process is completed.

Gauhati University Result

After the semester examination completion, the result will be officially declared. On January / February month, examiners can expect for the semester result. The official university released the result for Gauhati University and its affiliated colleges Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses students. Finally, candidates who are pass marks, he/she calculate the CGPA percentage with current semester examination.


Revaluation Procedure & Revaluation Result

Candidates who are felt fewer marks in the current semester examination, after the semester result published. He / She apply for the revaluation, It is one opportunity to getting pass marks in current semester examination. Then, after the revaluation, the Gauhati University revaluation result will be officially released. Students those who are applying for the revaluation, he/she check the revaluation result in the online mode of the official website.

Get More Details for the Gauhati University

Check Result | Revaluation Procedure | Revaluation Result

How to download the Gauhati University Admit Card 2019 – Download GU Odd (1st 3rd 5th 7th) Semester Hall Ticket
  • First, all the Aspirants go to the official website
  • Find the official prescribed link on the home
  • Enter the enrolled number.
  • And the date of birth.
  • Click here to the submit button.
  • A new page will open displaying the Hall ticket of GU.
  • Candidates can check each and every
  • Finally, the candidates take a print out of Gauhati University admit card 2019 for future references.

Check Gauhati University Revaluation Result 2019