Graphics Era University Result: GHU Semester exam result 2019 will be announced soon by the University. End semester exam held in November / December. End Semester exam results will be released in January / February (tentative). Odd sem (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th Semester) students of GHU appeared on the exam are eligible to see their results on the student portal. Candidate can enter enrollment number and password to get access portal on the university website All department result details are given here.
Courses Offered
Graphics Era University is a Deemed University which offers a certificate program, undergraduate program, postgraduate program, and doctoral program for the students. GE University offers these programs under the faculties Engineering, Computer applications, Management, Commerce, Humanities and Social sciences, Life sciences, Hotel management & Hospitality. Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses available in the above faculties are given here.
UG Programs
- B.Tech
- B.B.A
- B.Com
- B.Sc
- B.C.A
- B.A
- B.H.M
PG Programs
- M.Tech
- M.Sc
- M.B.A
- M.C.A
- M.H.M
GHU Odd Semester Results
Graphic Era University 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th Semester students who wrote their end semester examination on the month of Nov / Dec are waiting patiently to get a glimpse of their results. Only odd semester candidates of B.Tech, B.B.A, B.Com, B.Sc, B.C.A, B.A, B.H.M, M.Tech, M.Sc, M.B.A, M.C.A, M.H.M courses eligible to see their results. After the evaluation of the answer, scripts are over, results of these students will be published on the exam portal of the university. By entering some of the details examinees can check their semester results.
Candidates can use the following details to view their results
- Enter the Enrollment number or user id.
- Enter the Password or Date of birth.
The Students of Odd semester are only eligible to look at the semester exam results. Once the results are published we will be updating here. Some of the course results are given here for the students.
Results under Engineering & Technology
B.Tech (Semester I)
B.Tech (Semester III)
B.Tech (Semester V)
B.Tech (Semester VII)
M.Tech (Semester I)
M.Tech (Semester III)
Results under Life Sciences
B.Sc (Semester I)
B.Sc (Semester III)
B.Sc (Semester V)
M.Sc (Semester I)
M.Sc (Semester III)
Other Course results are available on the official website of the university.
Here we are giving department wise result details for the students
Engineering | Computer applications | Management | Commerce | Humanities and Social sciences | Life sciences | Hotel management & Hospitality
GEU results 2019 – 2020 | GEU exam results |GEU end sem results 2019 – 2020 | results | Graphics Era University semester results 2019 – 2020 | GEU exam results latest news | GE University odd sem UG / PG results |
Students can view the Graphics Era University semester results in the following official website
Category |
Official Website |
Graphics Era University Exam End / Odd semester results | |
Revaluation Procedure & Results
Revaluation procedure varies from university to university. Some of the universities only allow rechecking / re total and others allow Re – evaluation. If the student fails in the exam or feels his mark is not up to the mark he expected can apply for the Revaluation / scrutiny. The student needs to fill-up the form and pay the revaluation fee. Staff will check for any correction mistake and total mistake. Finally, marks will be updated and it will be added to the mark sheet.
Steps to check the GHU Semester exam result
- First, visit the official website of the GHU
- Go to the Student area section on the page.
- Check form the Exam portal section on the page.
- Find the Odd semester Exam result section.
- Go to the Student portal on the page.
- Enter the Enrollment Number or User id.
- Enter the password.
- View the semester exam results.
- Take a copy of the semester results for future reference.
Official website: