IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2019 would be declared on December 28th 2019. Based on the Latest Updates, the IBPS Clerk Pre Exam Results 2019 will announce on Next Week. based on the IBPS Clerk CWE IX Prelims Exam Result 2019, the Qualified List of Main Exam candidates are shortlisted at online. Verify IBPS Clerk Preliminary Exam Cut Off Scores & Merit List 2019, the IBPS Clerk IX Cut Off Marks 2019 helps to filter the Selection List for further selection procedures. The IBPS Clerk 9 Pre Result 2019 list candidates are calling for Mains Exam.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2019
Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has organized the recruitment for CRP Clerks IX post to fill the vacancies. all the applicants have successfully completed their CRP Clerks IX Preliminary exam on 07, 08, 14 & 15 December 2019. All the exam appeared candidates are eagerly looking for IBPS CRP Clerks IX Result 2019. Till now, the official board didn’t release the IBPS Clerk 9 Prelims Result 2019. Once the official board released the IBPS Clerks 9 Preliminary Exam Result 2019, we will upload it on this page. keep visiting our page www.exams.careerspages.com to check IBPS CRP Clerks IX Recruitment 2019 latest details based on the official announcement.
Overview of the IBPS Clerk Result 2019 – 2020 |
Exam Type | Preliminary Exam |
Exam Organizer | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) |
Exam Level | All Over India |
Name of the Posts | CRP Clerks IX |
No of Vacancies | Available soon |
Exam Date | 07, 08, 14 & 15th December 2019 |
Page Details | Result |
Result Date | December 2019/ January 2020 |
Official Address | http://www.ibps.in |
IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2019 – Clerks IX Preliminary Exam
IBPS conducted the online Preliminary examination, declare the result of the online Preliminary examination and inform the shortlisted candidates about the online Main examination. every exam appeared candidates can check the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Clerk IX Results using their enrollment number or date of birth at the official online web portal. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Clerk 9 Prelims Result 2019 shortlisted the candidates from the online exam and they are eligible for the further selection process.
IBPS Clerk Prelims Cutoff Marks 2019
Candidates have to qualify in each of the three tests by securing cut-off marks to be decided by IBPS. An adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by IBPS depending upon requirements will be shortlisted for the Online Main examination. The minimum pass marks in the exam called the IBPS Clerk Prelims Cutoff. The IBPS Clerk IX Preliminary cutoff marks are the minimum qualified marks obtained by the candidates to qualify for the respective exam. The Cutoff marks are depending on some of the factors, there are
- No. of exam appeared candidates in the exam.
- No. of candidates qualified in the exam.
- Availability of vacancies.
- The difficulty level of question papers.
Final Cut Off – Category & State Wise
States | Total Number of Vacancies |
UR | OBC |
Andaman & Nicobar | 02 | NA | NA |
Andhra Pradesh | 759 | 50.98 | 48.1 |
Arunachal Pradesh | 18 | 40.03 | NA |
Assam | 111 | 49.83 | 44.2 |
Bihar | 351 | 51.78 | 49.1 |
Chandigarh | 41 | 55.18 | 48.38 |
Chhattisgarh | 202 | 49.88 | 48.05 |
Dadara & Nagar Haveli | 05 | 44.25 | NA |
Daman & Diu | 06 | 37.93 | 37.8 |
Delhi | 418 | 55.83 | 50.6 |
Goa | 44 | 48.93 | 48.1 |
Gujarat | 1235 | 48.45 | 42.3 |
Haryana | 167 | 56.43 | 50.03 |
Himachal Pradesh | 188 | 53.05 | 45.15 |
Jammu & Kashmir | 94 | 54.93 | 44 |
Jharkhand | 352 | 50.63 | 46.03 |
Karnataka | 967 | 51.95 | 49.8 |
Kerala | 439 | 53.58 | 51.5 |
Lakshadweep | 01 | 46.45 | NA |
Madhya Pradesh | 745 | 51.18 | 47.05 |
Maharashtra | 1480 | 50.08 | 48.2 |
Manipur | 11 | 49.05 | NA |
Meghalaya | 17 | 39.7 | NA |
Mizoram | 06 | 54.73 | NA |
Nagaland | 06 | 45.45 | NA |
Odisha | 471 | 51.28 | 49.78 |
Puducherry | 30 | 51.25 | 51.25 |
Punjab | 550 | 56.58 | 48.45 |
Rajasthan | 376 | 53.18 | 51.23 |
Sikkim | 14 | 45.78 | 45.78 |
Tamil Nadu | 1314 | 52.43 | 52.35 |
Telangana | 582 | 51.75 | 49.5 |
Tripura | 25 | 50.33 | NA |
Uttar Pradesh | 2270 | 51.45 | 44.88 |
Uttarakhand | 185 | 52.5 | 44.55 |
West Bengal | 724 | 53.28 | 44.2 |
Overall Vacancies | 14206 |
Guidelines for check and download IBPS Clerk Prelims Result 2019
Enter the IBPS official website.
Find and click the result link of vacancy wise.
Enter the required details on the login page.
Hit the submit button and view the result.
Finally, download or take a print out the result for further reference.