IBPS RRB Officer Result 2019 & IBPS RRB Office Assistant Result 2019 is declared. Check IBPS RRB OA Results 2019 for Prelims & Mains using the admit card /hall ticket details. Based on the IBPS RRB Officers Result List, the selection list candidates are shortlisted for further mains examination conducted on September 2019. Verify IBPS RRB Office Assistant Prelims Cut Off Marks & Merit List here, based on the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Preliminary Merit List 2019, the candidates are call for mains exam. The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Selection List candidates are call for Interview process. Make tuning exams.careerspages.com to get all IBPS RRB Office Assistant (OA) Preliminary, Main and Interview Announcement of Result List based on official announcement
IBPS RRB Officer Result 2019 Office Assistant
Institute of Bank Personnel Selection, Regional Rural Banks – IBPS RRB has organized the recruitment for Office Assistant post to fill 3688 vacancies. All the applicants have successfully completed their exam at the pre-allotted exam centers. Now, all the exam appeared candidates are eagerly looking for IBPS RRB Office Assistant Preliminary Result & IBPS RRB Office Assistant Mains Results. but till now, the official didn’t release the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Pre Exam Results. once the official released the IBPS RRB Office Assistant Preliminary & Main Exam Result 2019, we will upload all the solved paper based on the question paper set wise in this below section.
Overview of IBPS RRB Officer & Office Assistant Exam 2019 – 2020 |
Exam Type | Prelims |
Exam Organizer | Institute of Bank Personnel Selection, Regional Rural Banks |
Exam Level | All Over India |
Name of the Posts | Office Assistant |
No of Vacancies | 3688 |
Mains Exam Date | 20.10.2019 |
Official Address | https://www.ibps.in/ |
IBPS RRB Officer Result 2019 | IBPS RRB Office Assistant Results | IBPS RRB OA Exam Result
The IBPS RRB Office Assistant preliminary and main exam result 2019 is declared on after their written exam successfully completion, based on the candidates’ performance and obtained marks the in the Written Exam Result 2019 is declared. The Office Assistant Exam Result 2019 is check using enrollment number and date of birth on the official login page. Check Exam Result 2019 from here on after the official publication.
IBPS RRB Officer Cutoff 2019 | IBPS RRB Office Assistant Cut Off Marks | IBPS RRB OA Exam Cutoff
Mere passing in individual tests may not be sufficient as candidates should also score sufficiently high on the Total score in order of merit to be called for interviews / provisional allotment. The decision of IBPS in short-listing and calling numbers of candidates for Common Interview / provisional allotment shall be Final. For the post of office assistant (multipurpose) – marks obtained only in the main examination will be considered for final merit listing.
For the post of officers’ scale i – marks obtained only in the main examination will be considered for shortlisting for an interview and final merit listing. For the post of officers scale, ii (generalist and specialist) and scale iii – marks obtained in the single level examination will be considered for shortlisting for an interview and final merit listing.
A candidate should qualify both in the online examination (main/single) and interview and be sufficiently high in the merit to be shortlisted for subsequent provisional allotment process, details of which will be made available subsequently on authorized IBPS website.
IBPS RRB Officer Merit List 2019 | IBPS RRB Office Assistant Merit List | IBPS RRB OA Exam Merit List
IBPS RRB Office Assistant Final Cutoff Scores 2019 are the finally declared by the official. Through IBPS RRB Office Assistant Final Cut Off Marks 2019, the candidates are a call for next selection process of the final list. The IBPS RRB Office Assistant Final Cutoff Marks 2019 are prescribed for Category Wise BC, OBC, SC/ST. Every candidate needs to secure the qualify cutoff marks to get eligible for the further selection process.
Such own merit candidates belonging to reserved categories who are provisionally allotted under unreserved (General) category will not be adjusted against a reserved post. However, their original category as registered in the online registration will remain unchanged.Guidelines for Check IBPS RRB Office Assistant & Officer Result 2019
Visit the official website of IBPS RRB.
Find and click the result link.
Fill the required details on the login.
Hit the submit button and view the results.
Finally, download the result page for the further selection process.