Integral University Scrutiny Result: Integral University Lucknow (IUL) 2019 – 2020 Odd Semester UG / PG Scrutiny / Retotal results will be declared by the university on the portal 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th Semester Integral University examinees appeared on the December month-end semester exam whose results are declared and applied for the scrutiny can check their results. Immediately after the Rechecking / Retotal of answer sheet scrutiny results will be declared. Supplementary and Reappearance / Carryover examination details are provided here.
Integral University Exam Details (Academic Calendar) – Check Here
Courses Offered
Integral University Lucknow (IUL) is a private university offers a wide range of courses on the campus. The Faculties of this university are Science, Architecture & Planning, Computer Application, Education, Engineering, Management & Research, Pharmacy, Humanities & Social science, Agriculture science & Technology. The above faculties provide undergraduate, postgraduate, integrated courses. UG and PG courses available for students are B.Arch, B.A, BBA, B.Optom, BFS, B.Sc, B.Com, BCA, B.Ed, B.E, BA LLB, BBA LLB, B.Com LLB, B.Lib, MBBS, BMLT, BPHARM, BPTH, BPLAN, BRIT, M.Arch, M.Tech, MA, MBA, M.Com, MCA, M.Ed, M.Sc, M.Lib, MD, M.Pharm, MPTH, and M.PLAN.
Integral University Scrutiny Result 2019 – 2020 | Integral University Lucknow odd sem re total results 2019 – 2020 | IUL rechecking result 2019 – 2020 | B.Arch / BA / BBA / Boptom / BFS / BSc / BCom / BCA / BEd / BE / BA LLB / BBA LLB / BCom / LLB / BLib / MBBS / BMLT / BPHARM / BPTH / BPLAN / BRIT / MArch / MTech / MA / MBA / MCom / MCA / MEd / MSc / MLib / MD / MPharm / MPTH / MPLAN scrutiny result 2019 – 2020 | IUL recalculation results Dec 2019 – 2020
Students can use the following official website to see the Integral University odd semester scrutiny results
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Integral University Lucknow (IUL) Semester scrutiny result | |
Scrutiny Result
Integral University allows the students to view the photocopy of the answer script immediately after the publication of the semester results. Candidates can go through the answer sheet and can apply for the scrutiny / re total of the answer script. Only rechecking of the paper is allowed Revaluation is not allowed by the university. For each paper student pay Rs.200 for scrutiny. If there is an error in the correction or in total it will be rectified. Results will be published on the website and also on the notice board. The applicant must enter roll number and other details to see the results.
Supplementary Examination
If the student fails either in the end semester examination (odd or even semester) or in the Scrutiny / Retotal process, He / She can apply for the Supplementary / Special exam. Notification for the supplementary exam will be released by the university after the revaluation results published. The applicant must fill the examination form and must submit it along with the exam fees. All dues must be paid to get Hall ticket / Admit card. Results will be declared after the evaluation of papers is over.
Reappearance Examination
Reappearance / Carryover examination is conducted for the students who missed to write the regular examination on that day or the student failed in the regular examination or in the scrutiny and supplementary examination. The examination schedule will be released along with the regular batch students. Applicants need not attend the regular courses. Students will write a special examination with their junior batch. After the evaluation of the answer paper is over it will be announced. Mark sheet will be issued with updated marks with the current semester.
How to Check the Integral University Scrutiny Result
- First, visit the official website of the university
- Check for the UG / PG results section.
- Select apt courses and semester.
- The results page will appear.
- Enter the roll number of the candidate.
- Check the university scrutiny results.
- Take a printout of Scrutiny results and keep it safe.
Check Integral University Scrutiny Results 2019 – 2020
Official Website: