KEAM 2020 Results to be Declared check @ Official Website

KEAM Kerala Engineering Agriculture Medical is National level importance status attained state level entrance exam conducted by CEE Commissioner of Entrance Examination. The KEAM exam is conducted for the admissions of Engineering, Agriculture and Medical courses, such as Three year LLB, Five year LLB, LLM, PG Ayurveda, PG Homeo, PG nursing, PG Medical and Super Specialty. The KEAM 2020 will be selected for admission to B. Tech / BE programs across Institutions. KEAM exam will be held on the last week of April 2020, Then the results will be released on last week of May 2020.

Name of the examination: Kerala Engineering Agriculture medical KEAM


Name of the organization: Commissioner of Entrance Examination CEE

Date of examination: 2, 3 May 2020

Category of this page: Results for KEAM 2020


Announcement of Results: 25 May 2020

Exam pattern for KEAM 2020


Subjects Time duration Total questions Total marks Type of questions

Paper I

Physics, Chemistry 150 minutes 120 480

Objective type

Paper II Mathematics 150 minutes 120 480

Objective type

  • The KEAM CEE 2020 exam will conduct in two papers as the paper I and paper II.
  • The paper I contains the subjects of Physics, Chemistry within 2.30 hours’ duration of 120 questions.
  • The total marks of 480 in the paper I and each question composed of multiple choice questions.
  • Then the paper II contains the subject of only Mathematics within 2.30 minutes and 480 total marks.
  • Both papers contain 4 marks awarded for each question and 1 mark will be deducted for an incorrect answer as negative marks.
  • The paper I and paper II of total marks should be 960 marks of objective type question paper.

Overview KEAM CEE Results

The results will be declared and announced by Commissioner of Entrance Exam. The Kerala Engineering Medical and Agriculture exam will be held on April 2020. In every year, the exam should be conducted in the month of April. The result should be released in the month of May 2020 every year. But not have a specific date for result published. In the few days of after completing the KEAM CEE examination, the result will be published on the official portal

How to check your results for KEAM CEE 2020

Initially, enter officially portal link given above.

Click the result in the what’s New tab.

The login page opened, fill the required details.

All set of the results will be opened, select your set and verify your results.

After verification, download the answer key for further use.

Check KEAM Results 2020