Khallikote University is going to be announcing the odd (1st, 3rd, 5th) semester Timetable and its affiliated colleges for all the enrolled candidates in the month of November / December. All the UG / PG candidates can check their concern Timetable for knowing the examination schedule. Candidates can able to check odd semester examination Timetable from the official page of the Khallikote University. The odd semester Admit card may be releasing after the announcement of the semester examination Timetable.
Khallikote University Semester Timetable 2019
Khallikote University will be announcing the odd (1st, 3rd, 5th) semester examination Timetable for all the B.Sc., M.Sc., MCA., M.Phil., B.Ed., M.Ed., etc., candidates. Students can know the details about the examination schedule from Timetable. Students can check examination Timetable from the concerned department or by the University’s official site. All the UG / PG candidates must submit the semester examination fees and also submit the assignments for the concerned subject.
Khallikote University Semester Admit card
The Semester Examination Admit card will be releasing the Controller of Examination Department of the Khallikote University. It is most essential for the semester exam appeared candidates. Students are advised to download it from the official site of the Khallikote University. The Admit card will be released after the official announcement of the examination Timetable. Students are advised to check the details printed on the Admit card.
Timetable: Candidates can check Khallikote University Semester Examination Timetable in the Khallikote University website.
How to check Khallikote University Semester Timetable
Applicants should follow the below-mentioned steps for how to check the Khallikote University Examination Timetable.
1). Visit the University official page
2). The Home page of the University will appear on the screen.
3). On that Home page, check and select the Notice Board option.
4). In Notice Board option, search and select the appropriate link for the semester Examination Timetable.
5). If need, you can print that page for your examination purposes.
Khallikote University Semester Examination
Khallikote University conducts the odd semester examination for all the UG / PG candidates such as the B.Sc., M.Sc., and M.Phil., candidates in the month of November / December and the even semester examination in the month of April / May for every year. Also, Khallikote University conducts the internal examination for all the UG / PG candidates per each semester. The odd and even semester examination is common for all its affiliated colleges.
Khallikote University Semester Results
Khallikote University will be announcing the semester examination result after a month from the commencement of the semester examination. The semester examination result will be announcing in the online mode of its official site of the Khallikote University. If anyone failed in the examination, can apply the revaluation for that concerned subject. This revaluation result may be releasing after a few days from the applied date of the revaluation.
Official Website: