12th Result 2020 COHSEM HSE Results To be announced 12th Result 2020: Check Manipur 12th Result 2020 , COHSEM HSE Result, Manipur HSE Results 2020 school wise, COHSEM Class 12th Result 2020 , Science, Commerce, Arts and Vocational – Manipur 12th exam result 2020 , Manipur exam result 2020 name wise, cohsem result 2020 , board of secondary education manipur class 10 result, manipur Class 12 result 2020 , hse exam result 2020 manipur, 2020, cohsem exam result 2020 using the Register Number, Roll No, Date of Birth (DOB), Enrollment No, Reg Number Admit Card ID & Hall Ticket Info. Manipur HSE/12th result for the academic year of 2020 will be declared and announced in May last week 2020 through the official website of COHSEM. The exam commenced in the month of March to April 2020, after the exam completion all the students are eagerly waiting for the result publication. The board exam conducts for all public and private schools under the control of Manipur state, gets more details by reading the below article fully. 12th Result 2020 COHSEM HSE Results

COHSEM Manipur HSE / 12th Results 2020 will be Updated Soon

Name of the Examination Conducted by
Higher Secondary Examination 2020
(To be Declared on /05/2020 )
Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur
Summary of the Manipur HSE/ Class 12 Result 2020

Exam Name: Manipur HSE/12th Exam


Exam Organizer: Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur

Commonly Known: COHSEM

Exam Level: State level


Page Information: Manipur HSE Result 2020

Result Status:  May 2020 (expected) 12th Result 2020 | COHSEM HSE Results | Manipur HSE Results | Manipur 12th Result | COHSEM Class 12 Results

The result of Manipur state 12th class board examination will be declared and published in May last week 2020 through the official website of Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur. Every student who can check and download the result by entering the enrollment number on the login page of the exam organizer. Qualified candidates are declared and announced in the way of result announcement, disqualified candidates who have a chance to re-attend through supplementary exam conducts in July 2020 by COHSEM.


Manipur Board HSE Result Analysis

Students can check here the result analysis of 12th class examinations of the last five years:

Year Total Students Appeared Overall Passing Percentage Percentage of Boys Percentage of Girls
2013 16,856 81.68 79.50 80.45
2014 18,423 84.98 81.84 80.45
2015 21,045 86.76 84.94 83.67
2016 24,772 88.76 84.76 85.83
2017 26,836 89.56 85.64 90.84
Manipur Class 12 Results @

The result of the Manipur Intermediate 2020 exam will be declared in April 2020 tentatively. Based on the official announcement, we update the official result date on this page. Once the official released the AP Intermediate Exam Results 2020, we will update the direct link to check your AP 12th Class Result 2020 online.

Manipur 12th Result Given Details
  1. Roll Number of the Students
  2. Student’s Name
  3. The Name of the Stream
  4. Date of Birth of the Candidate
  5. Parent’s Name
  6. Board Name
  7. School Name
  8. Subject Code
  9. Subject Name
  10. Total marks obtained
  11. Status of your Result
  12. Some Other Useful Information
Manipur HSC/12 Result Date 2020 @ &

Here students, every year the Manipur 12th Results will be declared on the date of April last 2020 tentatively. The previous year, the Manipur 12 Exam Results 2020 was announced on tentatively April 2020. So, keep checking with us to get officially announced result date and results through online.


The Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur was established in the year 1992 under the provisions of the Manipur Higher Secondary. Prior to the establishment of the Council, the +2 courses in the state were conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Manipur as Higher Secondary School Leaving Certificate course in the Higher Secondary Schools and Pre-University course by the Manipur University in the College.

Manipur HSC/12th Revaluation Application Form 2020, Procedures, How to Apply

Steps to Check and Download the Manipur Class 12/HSE Results 2020

Visit the official website of COHSEM, the link of

Find and click the result tab on the home page.

Enter the mandatory details of the enrollment number on the login page.

Hit the submit button and view the results.

Finally, download or take a print out the result page for further reference.

COHSEM HSE Compartmental Time Table 2020 Manipur 12th Admit Card