Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited MPCZ Admit card / Hall Ticket 2018 Download for MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Interview Call Letter available here. MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Exam Date & Centre will be announced soon at online. Dear Candidates can able download MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Selection process, MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Eligibility, MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Document verification and for more details get following the page. Candidates are you waiting for MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Interview Call letter mentioned below the page. MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Answer key, Result, Cut off, merit List and etc.
MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download
In fact, be ready with the login credentials like Enrollment Number, Date of Birth to get MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Admit Card 2018 easily. Stay in touch to utilise any related information about MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Hall Ticket. Soon the Date of Examination Will be Announce on the Official Website. The MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Decided that they will Conduct the Online Examination. Stay in touch to utilize any related information about MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice Hall Ticket.
Selection Process
- The selection will be done on the basis of merit list prepared, based on the marks obtained in the ONLINE test.
- The question paper will be in English and Hindi. However, the questions related to English grammar and vocabulary will be in English language only.
- The selected candidates will be called for documents verification at Company’s headquarter. If at any stage of selection or after selection, any document found to be false/ fake/forge, the candidature will be immediately canceled.
- The Online test shall be conducted by MP Online at Indore. In case of a large number of applications, test centres may be arranged in other cities of M.P.
MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ Hall Ticket / Admit Card Summary | |
Name of Exam | Trade Apprentice |
Board of Organization | Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited MPCZ |
No of Vacancy | 973 Posts |
Date of Exam | Update Soon |
Official Website | |
Category | Admit Card / Hall Ticket | @ MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ Eligibility Details
Aspirants should have completed 10th Class Examinations and ITI in the relevant trade from a recognized University.
Admit card Important
- Candidates should bring the printout of them admit card in the examination hall.
- Candidates should download their admit card before the date of exam.
- Candidate are advised to validate all the details mentioned on their Admit Card.
- Date, Time and Venue of the Exam will be given on the Admit Card.
- Candidate should bring their Valid ID proof at the time of Exam.
- Candidates are advised to keep their Admit Card safe till the joining. Admit Card will be required at the time of joining.
- Any issue regarding the generation of the admit card can be resolved by contacting the official authorities.
- The candidates should note that the admit card will have some instructions for the exam day and that they should be obeyed by all
MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ Written Examination Details
Syllabus for MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ
- General Awareness
- Mental Ability
- English Comprehension
- Educational Concepts
- Methodology
- Specified to Subject
Exam Pattern for MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ
The eligible candidates shortlisted on the basis of the details filled in online application form will have to undergo an ONLINE test of 02 hours duration, comprising 100 objective type questions (04 marks each) based on basic mathematics, accounts, basic computer, English grammar & vocabulary and general knowledge, logical reasoning, aptitude in the ratio of 60:40. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- Scores will be normalized to 100.
- There will be negative marking.1/4 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- Parts A & B will be will be available together and the candidates have freedom to answer questions in the order in which they prefer.
- To qualify for a post, the candidate must score minimum 50 % marks in each part.
Written Exam Preparation Tips
Dear Job Seekers! Here in this webpage we shall discuss Written Exam Preparation Tips Tricks while candidates appear before their written examinations. It is not an easy task to crack a written exam either in any government or private sector because vacancies seldom very less instead of eligible applicants.
Most of candidates think that they will crack the particular written examination as per their performance but no one knows that other contenders did well than them that is why merit goes up because there is a lot of difference between reality and fantasy.
Download Admit Card / Hall Ticket: Admit Cards for online test will be available online on and link will also be available on Company’s website Candidates may download the admit card from the MP Online website and produce a copy of the same for appearing in the online test.
The original certificates/documents of successful candidates will be verified for which dates will be notified after declaration of result. On the basis of written test, the provisionally qualified candidates will be required to produce original certificates of Essential and Desirable Qualifications along with one set of photocopy, duly attested,
The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Online Examination.
- Certificates and Mark sheets of qualifying examinations.
- Aadhar card.
- Proof of Educational Qualifications.
- Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
- School Study Certificate
- Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming examination fee exemption)
- No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)
How to Download MPMKVVCL Trade Apprentice 2018 MPCZ Admit Card / Hall Ticket
Visit official Website
Find the link and open the page
Enter your registration no or date of birth
Show on your desktop for MPMKVVCL