SGBAU Time Table 2019 will announced for the B.Tech, B.Lib.I.Sc, BBA, BCA, B.Sc, B.Arch, B.Com, L.L.B, B.E, B.A, MBA, M.E, M.Sc, M.A, L.L.M, M.Ed, M.P.Ed, M.Sc, M.Tech, M.Lib.I.Sc, M.Com, and M.C.A courses students. Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University winter (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th) semester time table will released in 10 to 15 days before the examination. Below we have given more information regarding on SGBAU time table 2019.
Latest Update: Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University officially announced the Winter Semester Exam Time Table. After that, all the courses exam date complete details are given below.
University Offered Courses
SGBAU offers courses details are given below.
- Undergraduate Courses: B.Tech, B.Lib.I.Sc, BBA, BCA, B.Sc, B.Arch, B.Com, L.L.B, B.E, and B.A
- Postgraduate Courses: MBA, M.E, M.Sc, M.A, L.L.M, M.Ed, M.P.Ed, M.Sc, M.Tech, M.Lib.I.Sc, M.Com, and M.C.A
- Other Courses: Diploma, M.Phil, Post Graduate Diploma, Certificate courses, and Ph.D.
SGBAU Time Table
SGBAU will be issued the time table for the University departments, University conducted colleges, affiliated colleges of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University students. University board of the examination and evaluation will announced the time table in the PDF format file. SGBAU University will be released date sheet separately for the regular, backlog and supplementary examination.

After downloading SGBAU first session examination date sheet, candidates can take a printout for further information. The time table should keep safe and secure until the examination process is complete. Finally, SGBAU winter session 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester examination starts from October to November 2019. Aspirant Keep on check the University website at for the SGBAU exam time table.
University Exam Process
Before beginning the exam preparation process students should know the subject, date, and session of the examination. Candidates prepare the study plan, based on that students can start the process. In every subject aspirants can evenly using their time. In all the examination, candidates can analysis the date sheet for the further confirmation of the subject.
University semester examination center will be mention on the hall ticket. Candidate can check the postpone exam details on the official website.
SGBAU Exam Time Table 2019 | SGBAU Time Table 2019 Winter PDF | SGBAU Time Table Engineering | SGBAU BA Time Table | SGBAU Exam Schedule winter 2019 msc
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University UG and PG part 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th winter semester exam time table or date sheet is given below.
SGBAU Courses List | Download @ PDF file |
Arts | Download Here |
Commerce | Download Here |
Science | Download Here |
Home Science | Download Here |
Educational | Download Here |
Engineering and Technology | Download Here |
Pharmacy | Download Here |
Get Complete Details about the all UG PG courses Revised Time Table – Download Here
How to download SGBAU Semester 1 Time Table winter 2019
Students can follow the below mention steps to check or download the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University time table 2019.
- Go to SGBAU University official website at
- In the home page select the Examination tab. It leads to open the new page.
- SGBAU winter semester examination time table 2019 will open.
- Finally, download Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University exam time table and take a printout for further references.
SGBAU UG and PG Time Table
SGBAU winter semester 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester examination date sheet details are given below.
- Course Name
- Subject of the Examination
- Subject Code
- Date of the Examination
- Examination Session
- Examination Day
About Semester Examination
SGBAU conducts the examination in Semester examination mode. In the first session (winter) and second session (summer) is split off the academic year. Admit card or hall ticket is a mandatory document in the examination. Without hall ticket or college ID card the candidates not allowed writing the examination. Students should obey the rules during the examination.
About University
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University is formerly known as Amravati University. SGBAU vision is to student-centric. University has been to create essential infrastructure conducive to learning and teaching. SGBAU aims to provide word class quality, educational learning, research and extension activity for the present and upcoming generation. In the University establish on Maharashtra Day 1983.
Check SGBAU Result 2019