Sikkim TET exam admit card December 2015 has been released to download from official website Aspirants those who all applied they can download the hall ticket for STET 2015 written examination. The Teachers Eligibility Test hall ticket has available to enter your application / roll number to get the admit card 2015 below following can find the details…
STET Admit Card
Sikkim Teachers Eligibility Test STET 2015 notification was been announced recently , large scale of applicants were applied for the TET posting. Now candidates all of them can able to download the corresponding examination admit card will be officially released to on their board website.
In order to the official notice the admit card will goes to be release within few weeks , as well as the written examination for STET expected to conduct in a month of December 2015. Currently the board has urging to preparing the seat allotment and centers fixing the written examination 2015.
Sikkim TET Hall Ticket 2015
Are you searching STET 2015 Admit Card ? Are you looking to be download Sikkim Teachers Eligibility Test hall ticket 2015 ? The official board has preparing the admit card for all applied and eligible candidates , those who have shortlisted they only are qualified for been appeared the written exams.
Name of the Organization | Sikkim State Government |
Name of the Examination | Teachers Eligibility Test |
Article about | Sikkim TET Admit Card 2015 |
Date of Exam | 27 December 2015 |
Admit Card will be issued to eligible candidate from 21st December to 24th December 2015.
Sikkim Teacher Eligibility Test (STET) December 2015 will be conducted on 27st December 2015 Both level I and Level II(i.e. for Primary and Graduate teacher) will be conducted on the same day.
Time: 10.00 am to 12:30 pm for (Graduate teacher)
01:30pm to 4.00 pm for (Primary teacher)
STET 2015 Paper I (for classes I to V): Duration of examination – one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content (All Compulsory): Sikkim Teachers Eligibility Test 2015
(i) Child Development and Pedagogy | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(ii) Language I | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(iii) Language II | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(iv) Mathematics | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(v) Environmental Studies | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
Total | 150 MCQs | 150 Marks |
STET 2015 Paper II (for classes VI to VIII): Duration of examination – one-and-a-half hours
Structure and Content: Sikkim Teachers Eligibility Test 2015
(i) Child Development & Pedagogy (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(ii) Language I (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(iii) Language II (compulsory) | 30 MCQs | 30 Marks |
(iv)(a) For Mathematics and Science teacher: Mathematics and Science (b) For Social Studies/Social Science teacher: Social Science (c) For any other teacher: either (a) or (b) |
60 MCQs 60 MCQs |
60 Marks 60 Marks |
How to Download STET 2015 Admit Card
Visit Official site
Find the link as given STET Exam 2015
Enter your Application / Register ID
Download Sikkim TET 2015 Exam Admit Card.