In Tamil Nadu State, PG(postgraduate) medical entrance examination will be conducted in the month of May 2020. After the exam completion, the TN government has announced that May will release the new rules for admission, and belong of the updated rules, the PG medical merit list will be declared in May.
After merit list will be announced, the counseling will be commenced for all the qualified candidates on May 2020. But some of the issue it was canceled and HC ordered to Tamil Nadu government to declare the new merit list based on a petition filed and released within 3 days.
Why Merit List Cancelled?
On May, the merit list will be not declared and announced because of Supreme Court order for some of the petition filed. From Viluppuram district, Dr. Pranitha with some other are joined to file a petition to Supreme Court i.e. PG medical studies admission will be commenced only for doctors who are working in difficult areas, distant areas, not easy to go areas are those candidates only offered will be one of the policies in the Medical Council of India. But TN government offers village area doctors to enrolled in this way.
So, in the way of expected of totally 1066 seats, there are 999 seats are fulfilled only by Government Doctors, it is opposite of Medical Council of India. So, these are taken by Supreme court and order to restrict the TN state government rules.
Candidates who are qualified in NEET exam, they can get 10 to 30% of marks offered by the state government but the evaluating distant areas of 1747 village areas are added with Thiruvaarur, Nagapattinam and Ramanathapuram districts government medical colleges, hospitals have followed this admission at the time of counseling process.
This decision will be more helpful to increase the talented medical aspirants are serving to various distant areas through government hospitals and colleges. The many changes in the medical field and improving the young doctors through this Post Graduate Admission process.
TN Health Department Minister Latest Announcement
Respective Health Department Minister Mr. C. Vijayabaskaran and Secretary Mr. J. Rathakrishnan has announced that Doctors who are working in villages, tribal areas having a certain reservation from 10, 20, 30 will be provided. But Tamil Nadu state government has an authority to seeking marks to those candidates, so based on government rules we can increase scores to them. And he also said, Supreme Court should argue to Madras High Court to make a correct decision to this issues.