UAU Exam Result: Uttarakhand Ayurved University Annual Examination results of UG 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year students and PG 1st and final year candidates who appeared on the October month examination can view the exam results on the official website University and affiliated college students are eligible to view the annual examination results. Candidates need to enter candidate detail to view the result. Here we are providing details about the UAU Annual Examination Results.
Courses Offered
The Uttarakhand Ayurved University offers various courses in the field of Ayurved. UAU University offers Undergraduate courses, Postgraduate courses and a Ph.D. course for the students. UG, PG courses offered by Uttarakhand Ayurved University are
UG Courses
- B.A.M.S
- B.H.M.S
- B.U.M.S
PG Courses
- M.D / M.S (AY)
UAU Semester Results
The Uttarakhand Ayurved University 1st, 2nd, 3rd year UG candidates, 1st and final year PG candidates who appeared in the October month annual examination will be waiting to see their examination results. UAU University and its affiliated college students can view the results. Annual exam results will be published on the website once the evaluation process is over. Applicants need to fill details like roll number, date of birth to view their results.
To Check the Uttarakhand Ayurved University use the following details
- Enter the Roll Number or Registration Number.
- Enter the Date of Birth.
Once the annual examination results of Uttarakhand Ayurved University results are released we will be updating here. Some of the results are given here.
Results of BAMS
B.A.M.S (Year I)
B.A.M.S (Year II)
B.A.M.S (Year III)
Results of BHMS
B.H.M.S (Year I)
B.H.M.S (Year II)
B.H.M.S (Year III)
Results of BUMS
B.U.M.S (Year I)
B.U.M.S (Year II)
B.U.M.S (Year III)
Results of MD/MS
M.D / M.S (Year I)
M.D / M.S (Final Year)
Uttarakhand Ayurved University Annual Examination results 2019 – 20 | UAU Exam Result 2019 – 20 | UAU UG / PG Annual Examination results 2019 – 20 | exam results 2019- 20 | UAU results 2019 -20 | UAU BAMS, BHMS, BUMS, MD / MS (AY) annual exam results 2019 – 20
Candidates can use the following official website of Uttarakhand Ayurved University for viewing annual examination results
Category |
Official Website |
Uttarakhand Ayurved University annual examination result | |
Revaluation Procedure & Results
After the announcement of the Uttarakhand Ayurved University annual examination result, some of the students are not happy with their results either they failed in some subjects or got less expected marks. These candidates can apply for the revaluation / Re total / Recheck process. Revaluation notice will be released by the university with the details of the last date for revaluation application submission, fees. After the date of registration is over the Re total / Recheck process will start. Revaluated results will be published within a few weeks.
Get more details about Uttarakhand Ayurved University
Check Revaluation Procedure | Revaluation Results
- First, visit the official website of the Uttarakhand Ayurved University
- Check for the Annual Examination Results.
- Select the UG / PG course.
- Enter the student details like roll number and date of birth.
- Check and view the results.
- Take a print out of the results and keep it safe.
Check UAU Annual Exam Results 2019
Official Website: