University of Rajasthan Semester examination 2020 Nov/Dec result has released for the courses of B.Com ,BBA, BCA ,BSC. The academic year of 2020 year slot 2020 Nov/Dec and 2020 Nov/Dec semester exams result 2020 have been announced by officially through the online. Students who have attended the Rajasthan University semester examination can download the results using direct link have been available.
Rajasthan University 2020 Results
Are you searching Rajasthan University UG course result 2020? Are you looking to download B.Com ,BBA, BCA ,BSC results 2020 Nov/Dec? Here the University examination section has released the result semester wise of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th of department wise.
University of Rajasthan is a public and state university and one of the oldest university in the Indian state Rajasthan, located in the city Jaipur. It was set up on 8 January 1947 as the University of Rajputana and was given its current name in the year 1956.
Rajasthan University B.SC result 2020 Nov/Dec
Name of the Organization: University of Rajasthan
Official site:
Name of the Courses: UG & PG Courses
Category: Uniraj exam results
Status: Declared on 30th 2020 Nov/Dec
As per the official notice the semester exam result 2020 has been announced earlier at Raj Univ website. Candidates of the university and affiliated colleges can able to access their results to submit the roll number or hall ticket number to view the results easily.