Vikram University Revaluation Result: Vikram University and its affiliated college’s revaluation (or) retotalling appeared candidates are eagerly waiting for the December recounting result. After the candidate’s answer sheet successfully retotalled, the odd semester recalculate result will be published. In this 1st 3rd 5th 7th Semester retotal result will be officially released in the way of online mode only. After that, Vikram University reappear examination and supplementary examination details are given below page.
Courses Offers
Vikram University and its affiliated colleges all the UG PG course details are given below. Students who want the details of the course, they read the below points.
Under Graduate courses
- BE
- BA
- B. Sc
- B. Com
- B. Pharm
- B. Lib. I. Sc
- B. H. Sc
Post Graduate Courses
- MA
- M. Sc
- M. Com
- M. Lib. I. Sc
- M. Phil
- Ph. D
Vikram University Revaluation Result
In the month of January last week (or) February first week, students can expect the revaluation result of Vikram University. In this 1st 3rd 5th 7th Semester retotal result is applicable for students who are applying the revaluation. Candidates can check the December recounting result on this page also, after the official announcement of retotalling result. Then, the odd semester recalculate result will be officially announced by the Controller of the Examination (COE) of Vikram University.
Using the below materials, to view the retotalling result of Vikram University
- Enter your Roll Number
- Enter Date of Birth (Type DOB in dd/mm/yyyy format or Click the icon)
After checking the Vikram University revaluation result, candidates who are pass marks, they can get the marksheet in concerned university departments. If any students who again fail marks, they have don’t feel about their exam marks. They have tried to reappear on the next semester examination (or) apply for the supplementary examination. In this Vikram University reappear and supplementary examination details are given below.
Vikram University Revaluation Result | December Retotal Result | Odd Semester Recalculate Result | 1st 3rd 5th 7th Semester Recounting Result | UG PG Retotalling Result
Students who are viewing the retotalling result, they can use the below university web address.
Category |
Official Website |
Vikram University Recounting Result | |
Reappear Examination
Students who are failing in the previous semester examination he/she only eligible for the reappear examination. Before the examination, the official university declares the reappear exam time table and gives the admit card. Before the reappear examination, students must well prepare and ready for the reappear examination.

Supplementary Examination
The Supplementary exams will be held in July each year and the results will be announced before the next academic session begins. This examination is only eligible for the final year last semester candidates. Then, the students who are failing in one or two subjects, they can apply for the supplementary examination.
How to Check Vikram University Recounting Result 2019 | VU 1st 3rd 5th 7th Semester Retotal Result
- First, candidates can visit the official website of the Vikram University
- Click the revaluation result tab will be indicated on the home page of the Vikram University.
- Candidates should enter their registration number in the required box.
- Hit the submit button and view the revaluation result.
- Finally, download or take a print out for further reference.
Check Vikram University Revaluation Result 2019
Official Website: