DSSSB Final Answer Keys LDC/Gr. IV (Post Code 48/12 52/12 68/12)

DSSSB LDC Male Gr. IV (DASS) Final Answer Keys for Objective Type One Tier Examination on 16.11.2014. Answers are in Series A, B, C, D wise all sets available.

Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board Conducted One Tier Examination for the post of Lower Division Clerk, post codes 48/12, 52/12 and 68/12 on 16th November 2014.


DSSSB Latest News : The Final Answer Keys has released candidates those who all participated they can download and check your Answer Keys.

For the written test results will be declared soon it has expected march first week 2015. All aspirants are should wait for few days because recently delhi election has successfully completed so that hereafter those all pending results will be declared soon.

The Answer Keys will be helpful for predict the results for the corresponding examination before publication of result of written test. So that the Board has to be announced early the Answer keys for the candidaets purpose.