Kerala Public Service Commission Kerala PSC Assistant Admit Card / Hall Ticket 2020 Download for Interview Call Letter available here. KPSC Assistant Exam Date and Exam Centre will be announced soon at online. Aspirants are you searching for KPSC Assistant Selection Process, KPSC Assistant Eligibility, KPSC Assistant Documnet Verification and for more details get following the page. KPSC Assistant Syllabus for PDF following the page below. KPSC Assistant Answer Key, result, cut off, Merit List and etc.
Official Notification – Check Here
KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download
As of the cause, you can’t catch your hall ticket. You knew without admit card you have no entry to appear the written test and only the candidates are responsible ones to take the admit card. And many aspirants applied for the various Civil Police Officer Posts available. Now, all those job applicants can get ready to download the Kerala PSC Hall Ticket 2018.
Additionally, the KPSC Assistant Hall Ticket 2018 is compulsory to attend the Kerala PSC Exams. The candidates can download Kerala PSC Call Letter from the below-given link once it is sent by the Kerala PSC Authority. Because only the candidates have the chance to take an exam on the KPSC Assistant Exam Date.
Selection Process
Eligible candidates will be required to appear in the Written Test in Hindi/English on the appointed date. The duration of the test would be two hours.
Written Examination
Personal Interview
Document verification
KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC Admit Card / Hall Ticket Summary | |
Name of Exam | Assistant |
Board of Organization | Kerala Public Service Commission Kerala PSC |
No of Vacancy | 13 Posts |
Date of Exam | Update Soon |
Official Website | |
Category | Admit Card / Hall Ticket | @ KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC Eligibility Details
The provisional hands working in the above concern will be given age relaxation to the extent of their provisional service put in subject to a maximum of Five years from the upper age limit provided they were within the prescribed age limit on the date of their first appointment in the above concern. But the regular employees of the concern are not eligible for the above concession for further appointment.
The provisional hands should obtain a certificate showing the period of their provisional service in the concern and shall produce the same as and when required by the Commission. It would also be clearly specified in the certificate that they were not working in the regular service of the concern.
Admit card Important
Candidates should bring the printout of them admit card in the examination hall.
Candidates should download their admit card before the date of exam.
Candidate are advised to validate all the details mentioned on their Admit Card.
Date, Time and Venue of the Exam will be given on the Admit Card.
Candidate should bring their Valid ID proof at the time of Exam.
Candidates are advised to keep their Admit Card safe till the joining. Admit Card will be required at the time of joining.
Any issue regarding the generation of the admit card can be resolved by contacting the official authorities.
The candidates should note that the admit card will have some instructions for the exam day and that they should be obeyed by all
KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC Written Examination Details
Syllabus for KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC
Quantitative Aptitude
Technical Subjects
Current Affairs
Exam Pattern KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC
S. No | Type of the Exam | Name of Subjects |
1 | Objective Questions | General Awareness |
2 | English Language | |
3 | Quantitative Aptitude | |
4 | Logical Reasoning | |
5 | Computer Knowledge |
Applicants have to score minimum 30 Marks in general Hindi.
Candidates score in General Studies is not considered if not get min 30 Marks in Hindi.
For more details check the Syllabus PDF in Hindi below.
Question Papers will be in Hindi & English Languages
Candidates who cleared the written are eligible for Interview.
Written Exam Preparation Tips
Every Recruitment departments wish to select the candidate who have best knowledge, working skills, and abilities to learn more for their organization better results. And in view of that department invites an applications form from eligible contenders and arranged a written examination to check aspirant’s knowledge, skills and written ability.
Here on this page candidates can get the very easy tips/tricks about Preparation of Written Examination which will be very handy for all eligible candidates to crack any sort of written examination.
The original certificates/documents of successful candidates will be verified for which dates will be notified after declaration of result. On the basis of written test, the provisionally qualified candidates will be required to produce original certificates of Essential and Desirable Qualifications along with one set of photocopy, duly attested,
The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Online Examination.
- Certificates and Mark sheets of qualifying examinations.
- Aadhar card.
- Proof of Educational Qualifications.
- Date of Birth Certificate / S.S.C
- School Study Certificate
- Declaration by the Unemployed (For claiming examination fee exemption)
- No Objection Certificate from Employer (if anywhere employed)
Kerala PSC Assistant Previous Old Question Papers & Model Papers
How to Download KPSC Assistant 2020 Kerala PSC Admit card / Hall Ticket
Visit official Website
Find the link and open the page
Enter your registration no or date of birth
Show on your desktop for KPSC