Tamil Nadu 11th/Plus One Class Attendance Mark Listed, Model Papers | Subjects & Practical Exam Basis

Here 11th or plus one student from Tamil Nadu state has the latest announcement about attendance marks and model question papers for every student based on the practical and subject wise theory examination. This mark is added to the 11th public exam to help students increase the marks and performance of the studies. Mr. K A Sengottaiyan has recently announced with the model question papers publication.

Get more information about 11th class model papers download, plus one class attendance mark list, attendance practical marks and attendance subject wise marks by reading below article fully.


Full Details of Attendance Marks

For Tamil Nadu, 11th/+1 class students can get a maximum of 3 marks for every common subject like English, Tamil language papers. Practical exam subjects have 5 maximum marks are given by all the schools of Tamil Nadu for students who should attend 85% of classes in the 1st year of Higher Secondary studies.

11th plus one

Model Question Paper Publication

With the announcement of the attendance mark list, TN Education Minister has released the model/sample question papers for all 23 subjects and 13 practical subjects. Now, students who can download all the model papers by using the below link.


Download TN 11th/Plus One Exam All Subjects Model Question Papers

  • For language Papers, there are totally 90 marks, 10 marks for the oral Every student should obtain minimum marks of 25 to qualify in the exam.
  • For practical exam subjects have 70 marks, 30 marks for oral and practical exams. Every student should obtain 15 marks to pass the exam.
  • Non-practical subjects and vocational subject’s total marks of 90, every student should secure at least 25 marks to pass the exam.
  • The vocational process subjects have 75 marks, the oral exam has 30 marks. Candidate should get 20 marks for practical exams.
  • Common subject practical exams have a totally 10 marks, a maximum of 3 marks for attendance score. And maximum 5 marks for an internal for project works, a candidate can get 2 marks.
  • Practical exam subject aural has a totally of 25 marks, attendance score of 5 marks and the maximum internal marks of 15 with 5 maximum marks for project works.

Attendance Marks List

Common Subjects – Max 3 Marks

(3 marks for above 85% of attendance status)

(2 marks for above 80 to 85 %)

1 mark for above 75 to 80%)

Vocational Practical Subjects – Max 5 Marks

(5 marks for above 85% of attendance status)

(4 marks for above 80% to 85%)

(2 marks for above 75% to 80%)