West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Result 2020 will release soon. Check WBCS Prelims Result 2020 using the admit card/hall ticket details. Based on the West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Result 2020, the WBPSC Civil Service Pre Exam Result Selection List candidates are shortlisted and announced at online. Verify WBCS Preliminary Cutoff & Merit List here, based on the West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Merit List 2020 , the candidates are call for Mains Exam. The WBPSC Civil Service Preliminary Exam Result 2020 list are eligible for West Bengal Civil Service Main Examination. Here candidates check WBPSC Civil Service Results 2020 at pscwbonline.gov.in.
West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Result 2020
West Bengal Public Service Commission has organized the recruitment through Civil Service Exam to fill various vacancies, all the applied candidates are successfully completed their preliminary written exam on official 9 February 2020 , now all the examiners are eagerly looking for WBCS Results 2020. Till now, the official board didn’t released the West Bengal PSC Civil Service Result 2020. Once the official released, we will upload the West Bengal CS Result 2020 . Keep visiting our page to check WBPSC Recruitment 2020 latest details based on the official announcement.
Overview of the WBCS Prelims Result 2020 West Bengal Civil Service Pre Exam Results |
Exam Type | Preliminary Exam |
Exam Organizer | West Bengal Public Service Commission |
Exam Level | West Bengal |
No of Vacancies | Various |
Exam Date | 9 February 2020 |
Page Details | Result |
Official Address | www.pscwbonline.gov.in |
West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Result 2020
The result of West Bengal Public Service Commission Civil Service Preliminary Exam 2020 to be declared at the online mode of the official website, all the examiners who can know the qualified status, marks, and performance of the pretest. WBCS preliminary examiners should enter the required details like enrollment number, date of birth on the official login page. The written test qualified candidates are declared and announced in the way of result publication. Click the below link to check WBCS Result 2020 on after official publication.
West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Cut Off 2020
Public Service Commission, West Bengal, will release WBCS Preliminary Cut off 2020 . WBCS Pre Exam Cut off 2020 is the minimum qualifying marks that candidates need to secure to qualify to get eligible for next round of selection process. The commission will first release WBCS Cut off for preliminary examinationn, only those selection list candidates will be selected for the mains based on the category wise. This year, WBCS Cut off for prelims exam was 97.67 for general category while it 96.67 for OBC candidates.
Expected Cutoff Marks of WBCS Prelims
WBCS Cut off for Prelims |
93.67 |
OBC – A |
96.67 |
OBC – A P.H. |
92.67 |
OBC – B |
96.67 |
OBC – B P.H |
92.67 |
S.C |
89.33 |
S.C. P.H. |
85.33 |
S.T. |
68.67 |
S.T. P.H. |
64.67 |
West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Merit List 2020
The WB Public Service Commission will prepare a WB Civil Service merit list of all the candidates who will obtain marks as per the cutoff in the mains exam. The merit list will be drawn based on marks obtained by the candidates in the preliminary and mains examination.
Guidelines to Check West Bengal Civil Service Prelims Result 2020
- Initially, visit the official website of WBCS.
- Find and click the result link as vacancy wise.
- Fill the required details on the login page.
- Hit the submit button and view the result.
- Now, candidates can check their marks, qualified status.
- Finally, download or take a printout of the result page for further reference.