RPSC AE Mains Admit Card 2019 is released now check RPSC Assistant Engineer Mains Admit Card 2019 with RPSC AE Mains Exam Date. RPSC AEN Admit Card for Mains Exam is updated here, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Interview Call Letter Download, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Selection Process, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Eligibility, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Document verification, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Notification, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Answer key & result, RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Prelims Admit card and Main Admit Card Available here.
RPSC AE Mains Admit Card 2019 AEN Assistant Engineer Exam Date
Moreover, the Rajasthan Public Service Commission is all set ready to conduct the Assistant Engineer Combined Competitive Exam 2019 very soon for filling up the 916 vacancies. Furthermore, applicants are advised to carry their rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in Assistant Engineer Admit Card 2019 to the examination centre.
If any applicant fails to carry RPSC Assistant Engineer Admit Card 2019 , then those are not allowed to write the exam. In fact, verify the printed details on RPSC AE Call Letter after downloading. In case of any mistakes inform the concerned higher authorities for appropriate corrections. However, contenders are suggested to obtain their Raj PSC Assistant Engineer Admit Card as fast as possible to avoid last minute rush.
Download RPSC Assistant Engineer Mains Admit Card 2019: Check Here (Available Now)
RPSC Assistant Engineer Exam Notice – Check Here
RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Prelims / Main Recruitment Details
Name of Examination – Assistant Engineer AEN
Name of Organization – Rajasthan Public Service Commission RPSC
No of Vacancy – 916 Posts
Official Website – https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Category – Admit card / Hall Ticket
RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Combined Competitive Examination for Prelims / Main Details
Panchayati Raj Department: Degree in Civil/Agriculture Engineering from a University established by law in India or qualifications declared equivalent thereto by the State Government.
All Others: BE in (Civil/ Electrical/ Mechanical)
Note: The upper age limit mentioned above shall be relaxed by a period equal to the term of imprisonment served in the case of an ex-prisoner who was not over age before his conviction and was eligible for appointment under the rules, The Released Emergency Commissioned Officers and Short Service Commissioned Officers after release from the Army shall be deemed to be within the age limit even though they have crossed the age limit when they appear before the Commission had they been eligible as such at the time of their joining the Commission in the Army.
Admit card Important
- Candidates should bring the printout of them admit card in the examination hall.
- Candidates should download their admit card before the date of exam.
- Candidate are advised to validate all the details mentioned on their Admit Card.
- Date, Time and Venue of the Exam will be given on the Admit Card.
- Candidate should bring their Valid ID proof at the time of Exam.
- Candidates are advised to keep their Admit Card safe till the joining. Admit Card will be required at the time of joining.
- Any issue regarding the generation of the admit card can be resolved by contacting the official authorities.
- The candidates should note that the admit card will have some instructions for the exam day and that they should be obeyed by all
RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Selection Process
Method of Process
Written Test: The candidates who had filled the application form for the post of RPSC are invited for the written test of the RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Exam. After that qualified candidates will be selected for the next round of competition.
Personal Interview: The candidates who got selected in the written test are called for the personal interview of the RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 . The final appointment will be made on the basis of the personal interview and documentation.
- Written Examination
- Personal Interview
- Document verification
RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Preliminary / Main Written Examination Details
Syllabus for RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019
Preliminary Exam (Paper I)
General knowledge & General Science including General knowledge of Rajasthan its Geography, Economy and culture
Preliminary Exam (Paper II)
List of Optional papers: (any one paper to be opted by a candidate).
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
Main Examination
Paper I: Hindi
Paper II: Social aspects of Engineering
Paper III, IV: (Any one subject to be opted by a candidate from the following list of optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers)
List of Optional Subject
- Civil Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Agricultural Engineering
Exam Pattern for RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019
Preliminary Examination
Exam Types | Section | Subjects Name | Marks | Durations |
Combined Competitive Examination |
Section A | General knowledge & General Science | 200 | 2 Hours |
Section B |
Civil Engineering | 200 | 2 Hours | |
Electrical Engineering | 200 | 2 Hours | ||
Mechanical Engineering | 200 | 2 Hours | ||
Agricultural Engineering | 200 | 2 Hours | ||
Total | 1000 | 10 Hours |
Preliminary Examination
The preliminary Examination will consist of two papers.
one compulsory paper and one optional paper, which will be of objective type and carry a maximum of 400 marks in the subjects mentioned in Section ‘A and B’.
The Examination is meant to serve as a screening test only.
The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Main examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.
The number of candidates to be admitted to the main Examination will be 15 times the total approximate number of vacancies (category wise) to be filled in the year in the various Services and Posts, but in the said range all those candidates who secure the same percentage of marks as may be fixed by the Commission for any lower range will be admitted to the Main Examination.
Main Examination
Exam Types | Papers | Subject Name | Marks | Durations |
Combined Competitive Examination (Objective) |
Paper I | Hindi | 100 | 3 Hours |
Paper II | Social aspects of Engineering | 100 | 3 Hours | |
Paper III | Any one subject to be opted by a candidate from the following list of optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers | 200 |
3 Hours |
Paper IV | ||||
Optional Subject: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering |
Main examination: The written examination will consist of the following papers which will be conventional type. A candidate must take all the compulsory subjects and any one of the optional subjects listed below. Each of the optional subject will have two papers. The time allowed for each paper shall be three hours.
PERSONALITY AND VIVA-VOCE EXAMINATION: Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the written test of the Main examination as may be fixed by the Commission in their discretion shall be summoned by them for interview. Provided that no candidate who fails to obtain a minimum of 35% marks in each of the two compulsory papers and a minimum of 40% marks in the aggregate shall be called by the Commission for interview which carries 72 marks.
The Commission shall award marks to each candidates interviewed by them. In interviewing the candidates besides awarding marks in respect of character, personality, address and physique, marks shall also be awarded for the candidate’s knowledge of Rajasthani culture. The marks so awarded shall be added to the marks obtained in the written test of the main examination by each such candidate.
Important Details for RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN Examination
- The standard of the papers will be that of a Bachelor’s Degree level except paper on Hindi which will be of Senior Secondary Level.
- All papers unless specifically required shall be answered either in Hindi or in English, but no candidate shall be permitted to answer any one paper partly in Hindi and partly in English unless specifically allowed to do so.
- If a candidate’s hand-writing is not easily legible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks otherwise accruing to him.
- Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in all subjects of the examination.
- It is obligatory for a candidate to appear in all the compulsory papers and in optional papers
Note: The Commission shall not recommend any candidate for the State Engineering Services, who has failed to obtain a minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate.
RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Verification Details
Submitting one passport size photograph and by producing their own identity documents (any one) like Aadhar Card, Identity Card, Passport, Driving License, Voters Card, Pan Card, Photo Identity Card issued by employer or educational institution etc.
Document Verification
- SSC (Standard 10th) or its equivalent mark sheet.
- Certificate of proof of date of birth (Standard 10th or its equivalent certificate or mark sheet indicating a date of birth or school leaving certificate indicating a date of birth).
- Caste certificate for SC/ST/OBC candidates, wherever applicable.
- Aadhar Card, Voter ID, PAN Card.
- Ration Card, College ID, Bank Passbook.
- Passport, Driving License.
- Any Valid ID Proof issued by Gazetted Officer.
Procedure to Download RPSC Assistant Engineer AEN 2019 Admit Card / Hall Ticket
Visit official website https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in
Find the link and open the page
Enter your registration no or date of birth
Show on your desktop for RPSC