VBRET Admit Card 2020: The Visva Bharati University will issue Admit Card for the Visva Bharati University Entrance Exam 2020. Eligible candidates can download the Admit Card from the university website. After the last date of submission, the University will release the Admit Card for the Visva Bharati Research Eligibility Test for M.Phil and Ph.D programs. The Eligible candidates can enter their login and check whether they have got the Admit card from the Visva Bharati University or not. Aspirants can know more details about Visva Bharati University Entrance Exam Admit Card 2020 from here.
VBRET 2020 Admit Card
Candidates appearing for the Research Entrance exam can download the Admit Card in the June month. Only after the last date of the application submission, the university will release the Admit card for each candidate. Only the eligible candidate will get the Admit card because the VBERT team will check all the applications and its details and then they will issue the Admit card. Admit card will be available only in Online; no offline Admit Card is available. The Research exam -VBRET conducted for the candidates who have applied for M.Phil, Ph.D. and Integrated M.Phil, Ph.D. courses.
Details in the Hall Ticket
The following details should be present in the Admit Card, if not or any incorrect information, contact the Visva Bharati University.
- Photo
- Signature
- Roll Number/Application Number
- Candidate Name
- Exam Venue
- Venue Address
- O.B
- E-mail Id
- Course Applied for
Obviously, the Important rules followed in the exam center and the prohibited things inside the exam hall. The candidate needs to produce the printed Admit Card at the time VBRET Exam. No Electronic gadgets and other notebooks are permitted inside the exam hall.
Visva Bharati University Entrance Exam Admit Card
After receiving all VBRET applications from candidates, the Admission Committee of the concerned Bhavanas/Institutes will undergo the checking process. They will check the application and display the department-wise list of applicants applying for VBERT in the respective Bhavanas/Institutes as well as in the University Website.
Notification of Admit Card 2020
The VBRET Notification will have the selected list of candidates on the official website. List of all eligible candidates for appearing in the VBRET 2020 (Ph.D./M/Phil Admission) in Bhavanas with the date, time and the venue of the exam will be there. Additionally, Candidate names appearing for VBRET 2020, their Category and the Remarks will also be displayed in department-wise.
Above all, the details of when the Admission committee will release the Admit card and what are the things to be brought to the Exam hall will also be given in the notification. More importantly, NET/VBRET Qualified candidates with valid certificates are exempted from appearing the VBRET 2020 to be held in June 2020. However, they have to appear in the interview for final selection.
VBRET Admit Card / Hall Ticket Download
- Visit the Official Website – www.visvabharati.ac.in
- Navigate to Admit Card Portal
- The window will ask for Login Details. Enter Login credentials.
- Select the Admit Card for VBERT 2020
- Now the page will display the Visva Bharati Admit Card 2020 on the screen.
- Download and Save the Admit Card to the desktop.
- Take a printout of the Admit Card to produce at the time of the exam.