West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Admit Card/Hall Ticket 2018 download from Official website. WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Exam Date & centre, WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Syllabus & Exam pattern, WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Interview Call Letter, WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Interview Date & Time, WBPDCL Technician Apprentice Interview Venue Details, WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician selection process, WBPDCL Technician Apprentice Eligibility, WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Document verification, WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician Result & selection List also provide our page.
Official Notification – Check Here
WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Recruitment Notification Details
The West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL), a Government of West Bengal Enterprise, engaged in the business of Generation of Electricity in the State of West Bengal, invites applications from Indian Nationals as of Technician Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 for imparting training as per provisions of the said act, at its Power Stations / Projects located at different places across West Bengal as given below.
COMPENSATION / STIPEND: Apprentices shall be paid stipend as per provisions of the Apprentice Act, 1961 and in reference to notification of the Ministry of Employment and Labour, Directorate General of Employment and Training, Govt. of India issued from time to time. Currently a Stipend of Rs. 3,542/- per month for Technician Apprentice -Diploma Engineer & Rs.4,984.00/- per month as applicable for Technician Apprentice – Graduate Engineer shall be paid during 01 (One) year apprenticeship.
West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited (WBPDCL) is a company owned by the Government of West Bengal with the goal to carry on interalia the business of electric power generation and supply in the state of West Bengal, India. The main thermal power plants under WBPDCL are in Kolaghat, Bakreswar, Sagardighi, Santaldih,and Bandel.
WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Recruitment Details
Name of Examination – Fitter & Electrician
Board of Organization – West Bengal Power Development Corporation Limited WBPDCL
No of Vacancies – 328 Posts
Category – Admit card / Hall Ticket
Date of Examination – Update Soon
Official website – www.wbpdcl.co.in
www.wbpdcl.co.in @ WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Recruitment Qualification
Technician Apprentice: Graduate degree in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation from any institute recognized by the AICTE. Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical Engineering / Electronics & Instrumentation from any institute recognized by the AICTE.
- Suppression of facts will lead to disqualification at any stage of the selection process.
- WBPDCL reserves the right to increase / decrease the number of seats for apprenticeship training.
- Students who have completed Post Graduate qualification in Engineering (M.E. / M. Tech / MBA) are not eligible.
- Only the above mentioned subject fields will be considered. Any claim for equivalence to the subject fields will not be considered.
WBPDCL Operator / Technician Result 2018, Staff Nurse, SAE, Assistant Teacher
WBPDCL Operator / Technician Answer Key 2018, Staff Nurse, SAE, Assistant Teacher
Selection Process
Eligible candidates will be required to appear for computer based test (CBT) to be held in Kolkata only. Examination for all advertised disciplines shall be held on date(s) / schedule to be intimated by WBPDCL through its web site.
- Computer Based Test
- Personal Interview
- Document verification
WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Written Examination Details
Syllabus for WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018
- Concerned Subject
- General Knowledge
- General Awareness
- Aptitude
- Reasoning
- Intelligence Ability
WBPDCL Technician Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2018 | wbpdcl.co.in Fitter & Electrician Previous Papers
Exam Pattern for WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018
S.No. | Examination Type | Subject Names |
1. | Objective Type | General Awareness |
2. | Logical Reasoning | |
3. | English | |
4. | Quantitative Aptitude |
- The candidates will have option to give their answer in Hindi or English (except for test of English Language).
- The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
- There will be 120 Questions/ Marks.
- The question paper will consist of 40 questions on General Intelligence & Reasoning, 40 questions on English Language and 40 questions on Professional Knowledge.
- The time duration will be 2 hours.
Important Details for Qualified Candidates
All qualification certificates should be issued by a recognized Board / Institute / University only. Wherever CGPA or letter grade in a qualifying degree is awarded, equivalent percentage of marks should be indicated in the application form as per norms adopted by the University / Institute. Candidates are required to submit a Certificate to this effect from the respective University / Institute at the time of Interview.
Candidates must write their name as it appears in the educational certificate of Secondary or equivalent examination. In case of change of name at a later stage necessary legally accepted documentary proof is to be submitted at the time of interview.
Candidates shortlisted for interview would be required to furnish documents regarding proof of Date of Birth, Qualification, Category, Application slip etc. at the time of interview, as per intimation to be given to the shortlisted candidates.
Download WBPDCL Admit Card / Call Letter: All correspondence with candidates shall be done either through E-mail / WBPDCL website only. All information regarding Interview, Call letters, etc. shall be provided through E-mail / WBPDCL website only. No hardcopy mailing of Interview Call letters shall be done by the WBPDCL. Responsibility of receiving, downloading and printing of Admit Card / Call Letter shall be that of the candidate. The WBPDCL will not be responsible for any loss of e-mail sent due to invalid / wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or delivery of e-mails to SPAM / BULK mail folder etc.
Document Verification
Essential Supporting documents required: Photocopy of self-attested documents in support of date of birth, educational qualifications, knowledge in Computer, Caste Certificate and Identity Card issued from the Labour Deptt. Govt. of West Bengal (Employment Exchange Card) and (4) Indian Postal Order to be enclosed with the application.
Important Required for Interview
The original certificates/documents of successful candidates will be verified for which dates will be notified after declaration of result. On the basis of written test, the provisionally qualified candidates will be required to produce original certificates of Essential and Desirable Qualifications along with one set of photocopy, duly attested,
The candidate’s identity will be verified with respect to his/her details on the call letter and in the Attendance List. If identity of the candidate is in doubt the candidate will not be allowed to appear for the Online Examination.
Duly signed and filled in application blank / application form. 02 copies of recent passport size photograph. Enrolment number after registering themselves on the National Apprenticeship Training Scheme (NATS) web portal (www.mhrdnats.gov.in)
Self-attested copies of:
Date of Birth (matriculation certificate / mark sheet / admit card or Birth Certificate).
Qualifying degree / diploma certificates with all semester wise / year wise mark sheets, as applicable.
Original and photocopies of following documents (photocopies of all documents should be self-attested by the candidate)
- Date of birth certificate
- Caste certificate
- All Education certificates
- ITI Mark sheet and National Trade Certificate
- AADHAR card
- Copy of Apprentice Portal Registration confirmation email
WBPDCL Operator / Technician Admit Card 2018 | wbpdcl.co.in Staff Nurse Call Letter
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WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Admit Card / Hall Ticket – Check Here
Procedure to Download WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Admit Card / Hall Ticket
Visit official website www.wbpdcl.co.in
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Enter your registration no or date of birth
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Download WBPDCL Fitter & Electrician 2018 Document Verification Call Letter