How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies

With the advancement of technologies, applying for jobs has never been easier. Though you used to walk from building to building to submit your application, you can now do so with just a few clicks. Online job-posting platforms such as Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn have made it possible. 

Online career applications are simple to complete, but they do take some advanced planning. When you’ve decided to go online to search for a job, you’ll need to do much planning and research to be thoroughly prepared. Remember that competition for almost every job is tough these days, so make sure your online profile stands out.


You’ll discover the fundamentals of an online application, how to plan, and how to get free career updates from various work-posting sites in this article. Listed are the topics you might be interested in. 

  • Introduction To Online Job Search
  • Benefits Of Applying Online
  • Different Job Hunting Sites You Can Visit
  • How To Prepare For An Online Job Search
  • How To Set Up Free Job Alert On Various Sites
How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies
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Introduction To Online Job Search

Today, most businesses and recruitment agencies post job openings online, and many of them also require applicants to complete a career application form. Before submitting your application form, it’s best to know how online job applications work.

How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies
Image Source: India Mart

Large and small businesses use online career application services or candidate monitoring systems to collect job seekers and their details into one extensive database. With it, they can quickly scan for and locate everything they need. 


Companies also claim that using an applicant tracking system allows them to place potential employees on an equal footing to create an ethical decision. Long qualification forms, aptitude checks, and video clips will also be part of an online career application.

It can also be as easy as submitting an email with a CV. The majority of the actual work is done for you by career search engines and personalized alerts, allowing you to focus on prospective employers whose job requirements and salary match your preferences.

Benefits Of Applying Online

As said, applying for work online allows you to contact employers with just a few clicks. There are other advantages of using online applications. Online platforms are an easy way to locate firms with openings that complement your expertise. 

How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies
Image Source: Need Pix

You can also search job listings from all across the world in all industries, at all ranks and pay rates. Online job platforms empower you to browse for positions whenever you have time, allowing you the opportunity to look for a new position while at your current job.

It will also assist you in honing your computer skills and improving your skillset when searching. As per studies, applying online reduces the stress that candidates feel compared to face-to-face ones, allowing job seekers to maintain their composure in the process.

Other Advantages Of Applying Online

One of the benefits of online applications is it’s a lot smoother than a traditional career quest. All you have to do is enter a few phrases into the search field of a page, and you’ll be faced with lists of work relevant to your personal interests.

You can save your queries and rerun them after creating a profile on a job-search platform, and you can also set up email updates to notify you when new opportunities that fit your preferences are published.

Though it’s clear that getting the best out of career search engines requires knowledge, the time and effort you’ll save are worth the trouble to understand.

Different Job Hunting Sites You Can Visit

Using a job search platform is one of the easiest and most effective ways to look for and connect with thousands of vacancies. These platforms have loads of opportunities and features, including career advice, portfolio tailoring, and forum posts full of valuable tips.

How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies
Image Source: Washington Post

Indeed is one of the best career posting sites available. It currently has 250 million monthly users, making it the biggest global job portal. Indeed has job openings in every industry, from entry-level to executive, and for every lifestyle, including freelance, part-time, internships, and full-time positions. 

Applicants can search by job description, position, wage scale, and amount of expertise. Indeed is free for job hunters, and there is no need to create an account. You’ll start getting email updates when new positions are posted once you’ve created an account.

Glassdoor, which boasts 1.3 million companies and millions of job opportunities, is the surest bet for employer analysis. Here, candidates can browse for open positions and read reports about the company’s philosophy and wage statistics. You will build an account, submit your resume, and sign up for email updates to receive customized work listings.

Other Job-Posting Sites

LinkedIn combines a directory for open positions, a virtual resume portal, and a professional networking application. It is the perfect platform for engaging directly with recruiters. It helps you to link hiring managers and other high-profile people to your virtual network. 

Your LinkedIn profile acts as a virtual resume and credentials. It’s submitted to recruiters after you’ve applied for a job, so take the time to ensure it’s informative, reliable, and search-engine optimized. 

It’s free to build a LinkedIn profile to look for job openings, plus you can upgrade to a paid membership to see who has seen your profile and send messages to people you haven’t yet interacted with.

How To Prepare For An Online Job Search

You’ll require the Internet and an email address to use when applying for jobs online and filling out job applications. You’ll need an updated resume, a cover letter for certain employers, and your availability to work. 

How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies
Image Source: PM World 360

You will be required to take an online work exam as part of the recruitment process and provide job links. Ensure that your resume contains your latest contact details as well as your career history. 

If the work posting expressly states otherwise, you can still include a cover letter when seeking employment. You should also look at template career submission forms to better understand how to fill one out correctly.

Additional Preparation Tips

Create an account on Indeed, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Monster, and others, to begin your online job hunt. To build a profile, you must have a valid email address to verify your account. These sites can also help you connect with hiring managers directly.

Any websites enable job applicants to sign in using credentials from Facebook or LinkedIn. You may also use these platforms so you can link and upload your employment record. This way, it’s much easier for you to create your professional profile.

Keep in mind that following directions is always the secret to successfully applying for a position. It’s essential to follow the company’s application guidelines, upload all necessary documents, and scan the application carefully, regardless of how you apply.

How To Set Up Free Job Alert On Various Sites

Employment alerts inform candidates about new openings that they may be interested in. You can generate personalized job updates by browsing for job descriptions, keywords, business names, and locations in your account’s email and profile settings. 

How To Set Up Free Job Alerts To Find Vacancies
Image Source: Canon Europe

Keep in mind that different career search platforms have various minimum job updates per day requirements. To receive career updates, sign up to your preferred work-search site and create a profile. 

You will also set up your email and work warning settings until your account is complete. You must input multiple details to generate a career notice. It may include job description, wage, availability, position, and whether you choose to work full-time or part-time.

You may also choose whether to get work updates on a regular or weekly basis. You have the option of receiving suggestions based on your most recent quest, habits, or desires.

Why Should You Set Up Free Job Alerts?

Job alerts may be beneficial for a variety of purposes. They can assist in every virtual career quest. Most notably, they allow you to quickly scan for work opportunities in your profession without going through any job search engine.

They’re crucial when you’re looking for work, but you are still working and do not have to quit instantly. 

They may also help you to learn about new job opportunities. You can locate new job opportunities without spending a great deal of effort, but you will have to use a job search service. You can discover different jobs that match your preferences. By then, you can easily submit applications without browsing through numerous web pages.


The majority of employers need job candidates to apply for positions digitally. It’s one of the choices with several advantages for both staff and employers. If you want to get a new career, you can put online activities and applications first.

Since most traditional ways of applying for jobs are time-consuming and expensive, having a streamlined application process would enable you to accept a broader and more valuable candidate pool.